Thursday, July 25, 2013

TLC Book Tours Book Review: Stargazey Point

Author: Shelley Noble
Title: Stargazey Point
Publisher: William Morrow
Publish Date: July 9, 2013
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: TLC Book Tours & the publisher
Book Blurb: 
Shelley Noble's Stargazey Point is a beautiful story of love, heartbreak, friendship, and new beginnings.

Devastated by tragedy during her last project, documentarian Abbie Sinclair seeks refuge with three octogenarian siblings, who live in a looming plantation house at the edge of the world.

South Carolina’s Stargazey Point used to be a popular family beach resort, but the beaches have eroded, most of the businesses have closed, and the crowds have gone. It's the perfect place to hide from the rest of world.

But hiding is harder than she thought it would be. There's a wise Gullah woman who seems to see into Abbie's soul, and an intriguing man on a quest to bring Stargazey Point back to life.

Stargazey Point by Shelley Nobel is the perfect beach read any time of year.

Review: To call Stargazey Point a beach novel is an understatement. It is a novel that takes you to the beach, even when you are hours away.

Stargazey Point instantly becomes a town that you want to visit and all the characters become people that you really want to know, especially the Crispins. I loved Millie, Marnie and Beau. These real Southerners, very gentile and full of charm.

Shelley's writing really draws you into the story, so that you feel you are right there with Abbie and Cabot.

Oh and did I mention Cabot is restoring an old carousel? That in itself won me over. I'm a sucker for carousels. They are my favorite amusement park ride. (Not a thrill seeker here) Oh and if you want to read more of how Cabot came to Stargazey Point, you'll want to read Shelley's novella, Stargazey Nights, that's an ebook only release.

I really couldn't put this book down once I started it, and when I did, it was to gaze longingly at the cover, wishing I was on the beach watching a carousel go round and round.

But this book is so much more than that. There's romance, there's forgiveness, there's starting over and friendship and a lot of new beginnings.

Abbie is really a character that grows so much throughout the novel, especially as she starts working with the underprivileged youth in the area to document the restoration of the carousel. I also love how she really connects with the Crispins. It is impossible not to love Beau.

I want to go to Stargazey Point..and after you read this book, you will too.

There's too much to love about this book. If you love books with a touch of Southern Charm..this is definitely your book.

Rating: 5 flowers

About Shelley Noble

Shelley Noble is a former professional dancer and choreographer. She most recently worked on the film sMona Lisa Smile and The Game Plan. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and Romance Writers of America and is the author of Beach Colors. She lives in New Jersey. Find out more about Shelley at her website, follow her on Twitter, and connect with her on Facebook.


1. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Not an author I've come across before, but having read your review I think this book sounds like a great read. Another to add to my list! :)

2. Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

Wow, this sounds like a fantastic summer read - I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed it!

Thanks for being on the tour.

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