Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: My Nook Hates Me

My reading these last few weeks has been very slow. I mean really slow. Not because I haven't had anything great to read, but because my Nook Simple Touch is acting like a spoiled child, only letting me read whenever it feels like it, and whatever it feels like letting me read.

I've had the Simple Touch for 2 years, and though I have 2 other Nook....erm what's the plural of Nook? Nooks? Nooki? Nookie? But the size of the Simple Touch has always made it my ereader of choice.

Until now.

I've been rebooting more than reading.

It won't unlock the device.

I consider myself lucky when it lets me read my book of choice!

I think after I finish my current book, Simple Touch is going to be retired, or tossed out a window. (Right now the window is looking good)

I think until I get a sturdy cover (not bought from B & N) for my HD+, I'll be using my old Nook Color.

What's the weirdest thing your ereader has ever done?


1. LisaMM said...

Mine has been completely reliable so I can't commiserate! But I hate it when I get frustrated by technology :/ so in that way I can relate. Good think you have back-up Nookie :)

Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs using images from the Tea Time kit and the Saturday Night kit by MK-Designs