Friday, July 11, 2014

Book Review: Doctor Who: Salt Of The Earth

Author: Trudi Canavan
Title: Salt Of The Earth
Publisher: Random House UK
Publish Date: March 6, 2014
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Net Galley
Book Blurb: 
The Third Doctor and Jo Grant arrive for a well-deserved holiday of sun and ‘blokarting’ on a salt lake in Australia in 2028. Weird sculptures adorn the landscape – statues carved from the salt. People have been leaving them in the salt lakes for years – but these look different. Grotesque, distorted figures twisted in pain. They don’t last long in the rain and the wind, but they’re just made of salt... Aren’t they?

Review: Salt Of The Earth is a Time Trip short story with the Third Doctor and Jo. It is really one of the most intriguing stories from this series.

The Doctor and Jo arrive in Australia in 2028 and they discover strange salt statues. So much for the vacation that Jo was promised. They now have discover what is turning people and animals into pillars of salt.

I absolutely love the Third Doctor and I could easily picture him and Jo blokarting across the sad. These two are one of my favorite Doctor/Companion combos...right after Four and Sarah Jane. (Actually any Doctor with Sarah Jane gives me the happies)

I really could feel this story being an episode, especially back in the 70s during Pertwee's tenure on the show. It suited his portrayal of our favorite Time Lord.

I also loved how the dog played a huge part in the story. (I was so glad nothing happened to him, when his owner turned to salt!)

I wish this one were a bit longer than its 30ish pages, because the ending felt more than a bit hurried. It is still an overall good read for Whovians.

Rating: 4 flowers


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