Friday, July 4, 2014

Tasty Book Tours Book Review: Wicked Sexy

Wicked Sexy
Uniformly Hot!
By: Anne Marsh
Releasing June 17th, 2014
Harlequin Blaze

Too sexy to resist?

Danielle Andrews was supposed to be on her honeymoon. Instead, she's back on Discovery Island licking her wounds and running for shelter when she sees Daeg Ross coming her way. Years ago, on this very beach, Dani started something with the special ops aviation rescue swimmer. But she refuses to be tempted by the wickedly hot military hunk again.

Daeg Ross is used to jumping into treacherous waters. But his feelings for relationship-shy Dani are a whole new type of risk. They are volatile—and irresistible. When their lives are threatened by the invading winds and endless rain of a tropical storm, Daeg and Dani are forced to take shelter and ride out a wild night. Together, will they sink…or swim?

Uniformly Hot! The few, the proud, the sexy as hell!

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Review: First, can I just say, if I were the type that went for the buff manly man...I would be all over the guy on the cover. He's not my type, but Ooo La La, he's really easy on the eyes. He makes fantasizing about all the sexy bits of this book so much easier. (Its book covers like this that make me hate ebooks)

I love the premise. Hot man and the heroine get caught in a storm. I usually prefer snow storms, cos I'm a winter romantic, but tropical storms will do nicely too, especially when Daeg (I love this name) is a special ops rescue swimmer.

Again, Ooo la la!

The chemistry between Dani and Daeg is just great. It makes you want to get to all the hot spicy bits! Though I have to say, I can't believe Dani is holding a grudge on him kissing and running 10 years ago, when she was 17 and he was...well old enough not to be messing with a 17 year old.

What I really loved was how Daeg knew she was the girl for him first. Usually it is the girl trying to convince the guy that he needs her. Of course, Dani is going into this fling after finding her fiance in bed with another woman. Her stay on Discovery Island should have been her honeymoon. Major suckage there! No wonder she had such a hard time dealing with Daeg and his desire for a relationship.

The heat factor in this book, isn't quite what I expected for a Blaze, but that doesn't mean that there isn't sizzling chemistry between Dani and Daeg because there is.

This is great beach reading material!

Rating:  5 flowers 

Author Info
After ten years of graduate school and too many degrees, Anne Marsh escaped to become a technical writer. When not planted firmly in front of the laptop translating Engineer into English, Anne enjoys gardening, running (even if it’s just to the 7-11 for slurpees), and reading books curled up with her kids. The best part of writing romance, however, is finally being able to answer the question: “So… what do you do with a PhD in Slavic Languages and Literatures?” She lives in Northern California with her husband, two kids and four cats.
You can reach Anne Marsh at or email her at

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1. Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today! Happy Fourth!

2. Unknown said...

The guy on the cover of the second book is equally easy on the eyes ;) I envy my editor her attendance at the photoshoots!

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