Monday, July 7, 2014

Great Escapes Book Tour Book Review & Interview: Be Careful What You Witch For

Be Careful What You Witch For
(A Family Fortune Mystery)

Genre: Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Publisher: Berkley (July 1, 2014)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0425264478
Leaving a traumatic police career behind, Clyde Fortune has returned to her seemingly quiet hometown of Crystal Haven, Michigan. In spite of the psychic powers of its residents, there’s no telling what trouble is brewing in this burg…
The highlight of the fall festival in Crystal Haven is a bonfire with a witch’s cauldron resting over it. Clyde’s best friend Diana leads a ritual to divine the future, but it seems no one foresees that one of their own will drop dead—or that Diana will be a prime suspect.
 Clyde already has her hands full with her eccentric family, runaway nephew, and burgeoning secret romance with a hunky homicide detective. But after another coven member is attacked, Clyde suspects there’s a witch hunt afoot and focuses her psychic and sleuthing skills to clear her friend’s name and catch a killer.

Review:  Be Careful What You Witch For is the second book in the Family Fortune series. (I only need one book to catch up on everything! Yay)

First off, the cover is just adorable! I want to play with the puppy!

I've read quite a few cozies with witches and most left me feeling a bit meh, but not this one. It isn't overly paranormal, which is good for me, because I od'd on that genre a few years back, but it is fun and the mystery is one that keeps the pages turning.

Crystal Haven (Perfect place for witches, right?) is a great setting. I love Clyde too and her family made me laugh!

This is a cozy series I will definitely be reading more of.

Rating: 5 flowers

headshot dawn eastman
About This Author
Dawn Eastman is the national bestselling author of Pall in the Family, the first book in the Family Fortune Mystery Series. She lived in Michigan for many years in a house full of animals, unusual people, and laughter. She now lives in Iowa with her husband, son, daughter, and one extremely bossy small dog.
Author Links
Twitter – @DawnAEastman
Goodreads – under Dawn Eastman, the link is weird but here it is:

Purchase Links 
Amazon B&N

What was the last book you read?

The Right Attitude to Rain by Alexander McCall Smith – love his Isabel Dalhousie series.

If you could have lunch with your favorite author, who would it be and what would you talk about?

JK Rowling. Her imagination is amazing. I would probably let her pick the topic at first, but I’d steer her back to Harry Potter at every opportunity. I’d love to hear about how she kept all the details straight and how much time she spent on her famous outlines and notebooks.

What was your inspiration for “The Family Fortune” series?

I wanted to write a family-based, quirky cozy series. At some point Clyde and her aunt and mother showed up and started arguing about the family business. I didn’t know anything about these ladies and didn’t even know what the family business was, but I quickly figured it out. I love western Michigan and had always been fascinated by Lilydale, NY, which is a town of psychics and mediums. All the elements came together and I wrote Pall in the Family.

Why do pets make such great characters in novels?

I think they can shed a different light on a character. How a person interacts with and treats animals says a lot about them. Pets are often used for comic relief and I love to put an uptight character in contact with mischievous pets and see what happens. I think in more brooding novels pets are a great way to humanize an otherwise cranky or unlikeable character.

What's next for you?

I’ll be working on edits for the third book in the series – Clyde tries to get away from a Michigan winter and ends up stuck in a haunted castle with a gang of knitters. That book should be available in spring of 2015.  


1. Anonymous said...

Why do cozy mysteries always have the cutest covers?! I have yet to read one though, haha. I've just read the synopsis of the first one and it sounds soo cute :). This is certainly going on my wishlist :)

2. Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting and for the fantastic review! I love the artwork on your site.

3. Astrid Nicole Etcetera said...

I know I have to wait until 2015 for the next in the series but i was delighted to see our old friends are still in it. A gang of knitters....never heard those words put together before! This should be fun.....especially with Clyde still there.

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