Monday, November 28, 2011

Kiss & Tell Promo Tour: Guest Post: Mina Khan

The first kiss is a special moment…you stand at the brink of new possibilities, hoping for a magical connection.

I still remember my first kiss ever. I was 11 and he was 12, our families were friends. We’d spent two-weeks in the summer together and we were about to go our separate ways. The setting was perfect: sunset at the beach. We’d managed to lag behind everyone else…and then he stole a kiss. It was a quick peck, sweet and innocent…but still thrilling enough to send us hurtling across the boardwalk, hearts galloping almost out of us, grinning at each other.

The first kiss I shared with the man who became my DH…was different. What was supposed to be a goodnight kiss ended up being a major make-out session, lol. A man of few words, he delivers with actions. And yes, my heart raced like kid behind the wheels of a Corvette. Still does.
So, I try to make the first kiss in my stories special and full of magic. Here’s my hero, Rukh, just after sharing a kiss with the heroine, Sarah in THE DJINN’S DILEMMA:

The original plan had been to fade again. Unfortunately, he’d come up with the harebrained idea of introducing himself. Touch, he’d theorized, would strengthen his link to Sarah and enable him to peek into her mind.

The handshake hadn’t worked.

Instead, she’d kissed him.

And what a kiss. For a moment, all barriers between them had melted and her mind lay open like a book waiting to be read. One look at her raw desire for him and all his other thoughts had fled. She’d ceased to be Sarah and become Jasmine to him. He’d gawked, frozen like a virgin, and then almost lost himself in her. Damn, it had been too long, and it had felt good. Better than good.

He should never have let that kiss happen.
Want to know more about Rukh & Sarah? Check out my book page

Thanks for visiting with me!
Mina Khan

Bio: Mina Khan is a Texas-based writer and food enthusiast. She daydreams of hunky paranormal heroes, magic, mayhem and mischief and writes them down as stories. Between stories, she teaches culinary classes and writes for her local newspaper. Other than that, she's raising a family of two children, two cats, two dogs and a husband.
She grew up in Bangladesh on stories of djinns, ghosts and monsters. These childhood fancies now color her fiction. 
The Djinn’s Dilemma available from Harlequin Nocturne


1. Unknown said...

Fun to have the guy thrown for a loop by the girl.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

2. Vanessa N. said...

Love the cover and post.

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