Thursday, November 3, 2011

Will This Book Never End

Yes, I'm still alive...and there will be some other posting soon, but sadly I'm still reading One Day. I don't think it has ever taken me this long to read a 400 odd page book.

I'm actually looking forward to the other book I started but put aside, because I wanted to read this one to give back to my friend, and that's M.J. Rose's The Hypnotist.

Anything has to be more engaging then One Day.

Wish me luck that I have a review of that one for you tomorrow. If not, I'm throwing the book all the way to Greensburg, in hopes that it makes it back to my friend.


1. Lover Of Romance said...

I totally understand how you feel...right now I am trying to get through Ripe For Pleasure...and I am just having the hardest time getting through to it...and I am tempted to just put it down...but I would like to get through most of it so I can do a review for it...Good luck with One Day though!!!

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