Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Book Review: Every Perfect Gift

Author: Dorothy Love
Title: Every Perfect Gift
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publish Date: Dec 12, 2012
Review Copy Provided By: Book Sneeze
Book Blurb: Ethan and Sophie long to share a future together. But the secrets they’re not sharing could tear them apart.

Sophie Caldwell has returned to Hickory Ridge, Tennessee, after years away. Despite the heartaches of her childhood, Sophie is determined to make a home, and a name, for herself in the growing town. A gifted writer, she plans to resurrect the local newspaper that so enchanted her as a girl.

Ethan Heyward’s idyllic childhood was shattered by a tragedy he has spent years trying to forget. An accomplished businessman and architect, he has built a majestic resort in the mountains above Hickory Ridge, drawing wealthy tourists from all over the country.

When Sophie interviews Ethan for the paper, he is impressed with her intelligence and astounded by her beauty. She’s equally intrigued but fears he will reject her if he learns about her shadowed past. Just as she summons the courage to tell him, Ethan’s own past unexpectedly and violently catches up with him, threatening not only his life but their budding romance.

Review: Every Perfect Gift is the third book in the Hickory Ridge Trilogy. The story is as beautiful as the cover and I fell in love with the cover instantly. I mean look at that dress. ~sigh~ Don't we all wish we looked like that model?

If you read the first book in the series you got to know Sophie a bit there. But don't worry if you pick up this book and not the other two, you'll be fine, these are great stand alone novels as well.

Sophie has returned to Hickory Ridge from Texas to start up the old newspaper. She's a talented writer and a reporter and she really has a dream she wants to follow.

Ethan is a hardworking businessman who has helped get the new resort Blue Smoke. Both he and Sophie are attracted to each other from the start, but Sophie's desire to share news, is pulling them apart. There's a lot going on while Blue Smoke is preparing for its opening, such as fights among the immigrant workers, which inspires a story for the paper, much to Ethan and his boss' chagrin.

There are a lot of conflicts between Sophie and Ethan's boss because of the paper. Sophie stands her ground and though it is the right thing to do, bad things happen to her as a result.

Sophie is really a strong character and you really love her. Ethan's a little harder to come around to.but by the end you love them both.

One of my favorite parts of the story involves Sophie and her mother. Sophie was raised in an orphanage and didn't know much about her heritage. I liked that she got the closure she needed.

This is a Christian romance, but the story isn't heavily seeped in religion, which is good. A wonderful book and a great story to finish off Dorothy's Hickory Ridge series

Rating: 4 flowers


1. Meg @ write meg! said...

As a newspaper woman myself (albeit a modern one), this sounds like a really sweet read! The cover is definitely enchanting. And with how hot it is in Maryland right now, I could do with a little winter romance in my life! :)

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