Sunday, September 1, 2013

Great Escapes Book Tours Guest Post & Book Review: Social Insecurity

Today we welcome Kate Eileen Shannon to A Chick Who Reads. 

Thank you so much for having me here today, Andrea.
Since I have covered so much information already, I thought as this is the last stop I will be at, I would talk a bit about what is coming up. Books two, three and four are all plotted out. Actually book two is done, just getting a last proofing. You can see the covers for two and three on my blog and my website. Cover four just needs a bit more tweeking and will be up soon.
You can find out what SOCIAL INSECURITY is about in the blurb. What that doesn’t tell you is there is another murder in the last chapter. That leads us into book two. I won’t tell you who is killed and spoil it for you although once MEDITATED MURDER is out, everyone will know. I will tell you Patricia is a suspect. When she takes off to Ireland she goes from being a suspect to being the only suspect as far as the police are concerned. So Brigid, with Kevin’s help, is left to solve the murder on her own. Which isn’t easy as they are swamped with new work and are dealing with some past work issues. Before the recession, real estate was booming. And lawyers and lenders were doing so many closings, they cut a lot of corners. That sort of thing always comes out eventually and Brigid and Kevin are having to deal with the fallout from that. Brigid also has a wedding to plan. She and Earl are engaged. So as you can imagine, Brigid will be very busy in book two.
Book three, DYING OVER SPILLED MILK, finds everyone going over to Ireland because that is where Brigid and Earl are having their wedding. Naturally, it won’t be trouble free. Someone dies, but is it murder or is it mystical? A lot of people think it has to do with some ancient treasures unearthed from the bog. They were sent to the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin but many people felt they should have been buried right back in the bog. And strange things have been happening, so maybe…
NOT A RHODE ISLAND CLUE is the fourth book. I got the title from Charles Ramsey (the Cleveland hero) who said it while being interviewed. I never heard it before but I loved it. We are up to 2013 in this book. A very big year for Kevin. Rhode Island legalizes gay marriage. So Kevin being Kevin proposes to Joseph. On a gondola. During Waterfire. With a flash mob on the shore doing Beyonce (what else?). Someone ends up in the water, dead. Kevin gets involved because he is afraid his flash mob was the cause. When it turns out to be murder both he and Brigid are on the case and want it solved fast – there’s another wedding to be planning after all.
Book five is just starting to gel so that’s all for now. I hope you will read SOCIAL INSECURITY and I hope you enjoy the whole concept of a serial (go back and read the August 19th post on Omnimystery News).

Andrea, thank you again for having me here. I hope everyone will go back and visit some of the other tour stops to find out more about a serial vs a series, the characters, why I write, and a lot of other stuff. Be sure to comment at each stop to increase your chances of winning one of the books and be sure to leave your email address. I’ll be announcing the winners on my blog one week after the tour closes tomorrow, on September 9th.

Author:  Kate Eileen Shannon
Title: Social Insecurity
Publish Date: March 28, 2013
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By:  Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours
Book Blurb:
Brigid Kildare is not your typical hard boiled private eye. But she doesn’t pretend to be. No matrimonial. No child custody. No bodyguard or surveillance work. No process serving. Brigid is strictly data. Asset searches, background searches, computer security, pre-employment screening, and basically any type of records research is what she deals in. And you really could not expect anything else. After all, your average five foot tall, blue eyed, blond (one friend describes her as looking like a Christmas tree angel) is rarely the person you would send out after a bail jumper. Oh, and there is that whole one leg thing – ADA aside, most people don’t think of an amputee as the go to person for a security job.
But in SOCIAL INSECURITY, the first in the Brigid Kildare Mystery Series, professional PI, Brigid Kildare, turns amateur sleuth when old ladies in the Federal Hill area of Providence start to go missing and she can’t get the police to believe her. As her assistant and long time friend, Kevin, puts it: “Honey, if an old lady like Jessica Fletcher can do it, a one-legged PI and her gay PA can do it too!” Brigid solves the mystery, along with an odd cast of friends and family, but not before four old ladies have died, she has caught the eye of a handsome Providence detective, and she discovers that not everyone who is close to her is what they appear to be.

Review: This is the first book in the Brigid Kildare Mystery series. Brigid isn't your typical PI, she's disabled. That was something I found interesting as far as characters go. But she didn't let it hold her down. She's beyond spunky and she's quite controlling and she's everything most heroines in the cozy mysteries I usually read are not.

This is a quick fun mystery that you won't be able to put down. There are so many characters that are quirky and fun to read about.

I loved Earl Greene and I have to admit I had to google Rick Fox to see what he looked like, since earl was described as looking like him.

Well, yeah..I could look at him all day...he's quite pretty. I also loved Kevin. He was a hoot.

I loved the family elements to this story as well as the mystery. It was a little short for my liking, but overall a pleasant way to pass the afternoon. The best part, I couldn't guess who the killer was.

Rating:  4 flowers

About Kate Eileen Shannon
Kate Eileen Shannon is a Writer, Artist, and sometimes Real Estate Agent – as she says, ‘a purveyor of ephemera and bagatelle’. Trifles. Little things. Here today, gone tomorrow. In other words, a little of this, a bit of that.
She has had three husbands and two children; lived in Ireland, Rhode Island, and Florida; owned a brake repair shop, an art gallery, a farm, and a boat building business; been a Realtor, a title examiner, a real estate closer, and a government employee which led her straight to being unemployed, laid off, made redundant.
Kate is currently living in Rhode Island overlooking the water and a lighthouse; with her husband, Dick Thomas (who won’t let her have a cat); where she spends her time painting, drawing, and of course working on the next book in the Brigid Kildare mystery series, MEDITATED MURDER.

Online links:
She Writes
Book Blogs

Purchase Links:
Amazon B & N Powell’s Books


1. dollycas aka Lori said...

Yes, I could look at Rick Fox all day!! Thanks for being part of this tour!

2. Anonymous said...

I like this storyline. And I like Rick Fox too :) Didn't he used to be married to Vanessa Williams the singer/actress? Anyway, I will be on the lookout for this book and thanks for sharing.

3. Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for having me here and for your kind review.

4. Linda said...

Great review! Social Insecurity looks like a unique and fun read.

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