Tuesday, September 3, 2013

TLC Book Tours Book Review: Lowcountry Bombshell

About Lowcountry Bombshell

• Paperback: 266 pages

• Publisher: Henery Press (September 3, 2013)

Private Investigator Liz Talbot thinks she’s seen another ghost when she meets Calista McQueen. She’s the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe. Born precisely fifty years after the ill-fated star, Calista’s life has eerily mirrored the late starlet’s—and she fears the looming anniversary of Marilyn’s death will also be hers. Before Liz can open a case file, Calista’s life coach is executed. Suspicious characters swarm around Calista like mosquitoes on a sultry lowcountry evening: her certifiable mother, a fake aunt, her control-freak psychoanalyst, a private yoga instructor, her peculiar housekeeper, and an obsessed ex-husband. Liz digs in to find a motive for murder, but she’s besieged with distractions. Her ex has marriage and babies on his mind. Her too-sexy partner engages in a campaign of repeat seduction. Mamma needs help with Daddy’s devotion to bad habits. And a gang of wild hogs is running loose on Stella Maris. With the heat index approaching triple digits, Liz races to uncover a diabolical murder plot in time to save not only Calista’s life, but also her own.

Review: Lowcountry Bombshell is the second book in the Liz Talbot Mystery series. About 30 pages in, I was in love with the book, and I immediately ordered Lowcountry Boil.

Before I go into the book, I have to say, I low the covers for the books in this series, they are so quirky and they actually go hand in hand with the story line, which doesn't often happen.

It is easy to connect with all the characters here, especially Liz and Nate. Their relationship really heats up in this book, making it part romance and part cozy mystery.

But the real star of the show is Calista the Marilyn Monroe doppelganger, whose crazy family tries to make her believe she's Marilyn reincarnated. Her life has been so manipulated by everyone close to her.

There is just so much to love about this book. I love all the information about Marilyn Monroe. I mean, how can you not love her? And in this book, you can't help but love Calista, she's so messed up, but so sweet. I hope as the series continues that she'll still be part of the local color of the novels

I want to compare it to other cozy mystery series that I've read, but I really can't, because Liz Talbot is so different. She's smart and savvy. She knows what she's doing. She's a character that you really want to get to know. Oh and I definitely want to see how things work out with her and Nate.

As for the mystery, you will totally not be able to guess whodunit!

Rating: 5 flowers

About Susan Boyer Susan M. Boyer has been making up stories her whole life. She tags along with her husband on business trips whenever she can because hotels are great places to write: fresh coffee all day and cookies at 4 p.m. They have a home in Greenville, SC, which they occasionally visit, and they run away to the beach as often as possible.

Susan’s debut novel, Lowcountry Boil, is an Agatha Award winner for Best First Novel, a 2012 Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense recipient, and a 2012 RWA Golden Heart® finalist. Her next book, Lowcountry Bombshell, will be released September 3, 2013. Susan’s short fiction has appeared in moonShine Review, Spinetingler Magazine, and Relief Journal, among others. To learn more about Susan, visit susanmboyerbooks.com. You can also connect with Susan on Facebook and Twitter, see what she’s pinning on Pinterest, and find her on Goodreads.


1. Susan M. Boyer said...

Andrea, thank you so much for this lovely review! I'm so happy you enjoyed Lowcontry Bombshell, and I deeply appreciate your kind words. And I so love getting flowers! :)

2. Anonymous said...

I completely agree that Calista steals the show and I hope she shows up in some of the upcoming books. I found this to be such a fun read and I can't wait to see what Liz is up to next.

3. Susan M. Boyer said...

Andrea, apologies! I'm afraid it was late when I got in last night, and I neglected to say the most important thing I meant to say--thank you so much for your time. Thank you for reading! :)

4. Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I love that you fell in love with this book so quickly and that you're so excited about the others in the series!

Thanks for being on the tour. I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.

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