Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tasty Book Tours Book Review: Moonlight On My Mind

Moonlight on My Mind
By: Jennifer McQuiston
Releasing March 25th, 2014


To ruin a man’s life once takes a regrettable mistake.

To do so twice takes a woman like Julianne Baxter.
Eleven months ago, Julianne’s statement to the authorities wrongly implicated Patrick, the new Earl of Haversham, in his older brother’s death. The chit is as much trouble as her red hair suggests, and just as captivating. Now she has impetuously tracked him to the wilds of Scotland, insisting that he return home to face a murder charge and save his family from ruin. A clandestine wedding may be the only way to save her reputation—and his neck from the hangman’s noose.

Julianne has no objection to the match. More and more she’s convinced of Patrick’s innocence, though when it comes to igniting her passions, the man is all too guilty. And if they can only clear his name, a marriage made in haste could bring about the most extraordinary pleasure…

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Review:  First of all, I have to say, OMG this cover is gorgeous. That alone would have been enough to make me buy this book.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about the book going in, Julianne wasn't a heroine I quickly warmed too. Patrick on the other hand...I absolutely loved. 

I loved that this was a good part mystery to go with the romance. I love historical mysteries so this book really ended up being right up my alley. 

This is the third book in a trilogy, but not to worry, it is a stand alone. (However, now I have to find two more books!)

I loved how the characters grew and evolved in this book. You really do come to love Julianne by the end of the book.

Rating:  4 flowers

Author Info
A veterinarian and infectious disease researcher by training, Jennifer McQuiston has always preferred reading romance to scientific textbooks. She resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, their two girls, and an odd assortment of pets, including the pony she promised her children if mommy ever got a book deal. Jennifer can be reached via her website at or followed on Twitter @jenmcqwrites.

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Rafflecopter Giveaway (Paperback Copy of WHAT HAPPENS IN SCOTLAND & SUMMER IS FOR LOVERS, Pack of Mother Mae’s Chocolate Chip Scottish Shortbread Mix and Delightful Ceramic Shortbread Pan)



1. Unknown said...

Thanks for having me on!

2. Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

3. MsAwesome said...

I love a Historical Hero because they can be roguish but also charming and loyal at the same time. And the clothes!!!

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