Friday, April 25, 2014

Tasty Book Tours Book Review: The Right Side Of Mr. Wrong

The Right Side of Mr. Wrong
By: Jane Linfoot

When determined singleton Shea Summers is persuaded to become the “wife” of the Lord of Edgerton Manor, the last thing she wants to do is play house with a stranger.

Brooding playboy Brando Marshall, is far from happy when Shea turns up at his sprawling estate with production crew in tow. Surely she’s just another woman after his wallet? And if she’s looking for Mr Right, she’s definitely hitting on the wrong guy. Then again, after catching an unscheduled glimpse of her knickers, perhaps Brando needs to teach this “gold-digger” a lesson!

She’s seizing the moment, he’s breaking the rules, and when bad boys can be so much fun, who can resist getting on the right side of Mr. Wrong...

Review: This was such a cute book.The premise involves a reality show and the Lord of the Manor, who is family thinks needs to find a wife. That's where Shea comes in. She's an organizer, but she is also there for the reality show that's turning Bachelor.

This was a fast paced read and full of fun and chemistry between Shea and Brando. (I have to admit Brando didn't seem a proper name for a Lord Of The Manor) I loved the way he was always rhyming Shea's name and the strange little expletives that were food related the came out of Shea's mouth.

What I loved was the blend of sensuality and heat that went between the characters without making the book too smutty. Not that I don't love me some smut, I just know there's a type of book for that sort of thing and this one wasn't it.

Both characters had issues with things in their past. When we learned what Shea's issue was, it was hard not to feel sorry for her. She went through quite a bit, very young, and it was easy to see then how that might make her a bit wary of marrying again or getting involved.

I really liked Brando because he was such a fun bad boy, that wasn't really bad at all.

That said, I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to see what Jane Linfoot might offer up next.

Rating: 5 flowers

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Author Info
I write fun, flirty fiction, with feisty heroines and a bit of an edge. Writing romance is cool, because I get to wear pretty shoes instead of gumboots, and you'll notice this weakness for shoes comes through in my book covers! I live in a mountain kingdom in Derbyshire, England, where my family and pets are kind enough to ignore the domestic chaos – happily, we’re in walking distance of a supermarket. I love hearts, flowers, happy endings, all things vintage, most things french. When I’m not on facebook, and can’t find an excuse for shopping, I’ll be walking, or gardening. On days when I want to be really scared, I ride a tandem.
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twitter:   @janelinfoot
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1. Jane Linfoot said...

Thanks so much for this fab review Andrea, and for featuring The Right Side Of Mr Wrong on your lovely blog.

It's on special offer for a short time at 1.99$ (99p) too!


2. Unknown said...

All of Mr. Wrong's stayed wrong, lol. Luckily I found my Mr. Right.
Love the sound of the book. Definitely on my TBR.

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