Sunday, December 6, 2015

Great Escapes Book Tours Book Review: High Strung

High Strung
(Glass Bead Mystery Series)
(Volume 1)

Cozy Mystery
Paperback: 218 pages
Publisher: Booktrope Editions (August 31, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-1513700335
E-Book ASIN: B014QH483C
After inheriting a house in Seattle, Jax O’Connell is living the life of her dreams as a glass beadmaker and jewelry designer. When she gets an offer to display her work during a bead shop’s opening festivities, it’s an opportunity Jax can’t resist—even though Rosie Perez, the store’s owner, is the surliest person Jax has ever met.
The weekend’s events become a tangled mess when a young beadmaker is found dead nearby and several oddball bead enthusiasts are suspects. Jax must string together the clues to clear her friend Tessa’s name—and do it before the killer strikes again.

Review: What a fun quick cozy mystery. This is the first book in the glass bead mystery series and it is a wonderful introduction to this series.

Jax moves from Miami to Seattle to the house she inherited from her aunt. The characters are all believable and some are quiet eclectic. I really loved Jax's friend Tessa and Dylan was really great too and I loved how he tied in with the mystery.

This is definitely is a first in the series book. There was a lot of buildup before the first crime, and yes there were two and they were kind of tied together.

Rosie was definitely a character that you could understand someone wanting to kill, though not to worry, she wasn't the character that was killed. Then there was the poor homeless beadmaker that was found dead in the dumpster behind Aztec Beads

There are a lot of things that are quite funny in this book. Jax and Allen's first meeting and the Mojitos was hilarious and then there was the neighbor Mr. Chu

I loved learning about bead making, which isn't something I ever really thought about. The story had some really funny parts too, which is always a plus for me, as I'm a fan of comedy in my books, because what would life be without some hilarity?

There's also some good-looking guys  in the horizon for Jax. Allen a local reported, and possibly the detective on the case. This could definitely make for an interesting love triangle.

The person "whodunit" was definitely not who you would expect. In fact, as the pieces started to fall into place I have to stay I was really surprised.

I can't wait to read the next book.

Rating: 5 flowers


1. JanPeac said...

Hi there! Thanks for the terrific review! If anyone has any questions, please post them here. I'll stop by again soon. Folks can also post on

2. Lover Of Romance said...

oh this sounds pretty wonderful!!! I love mysteries and learning something new is always a plus.

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