Thursday, February 10, 2011

You Light Up My Life

Belkin Clip-On Reading Light for Kindle (White)I've been contemplating a reading light since long before Christmas. I must have read every review about the lights that B & N sells for the Nook, and I just couldn't buy one.

I went to Target last Saturday and I saw a Belkin light. It was $10 more than the ones I had previously looked at, so I was hesitant to buy it. I mean the Nook lights were about $15.00 and this one was $25.00.

I used it for the first time the other day.


This light really works. It gives me enough light that I can read in a dark room, without annoying anyone that likes sitting in the dark to watch tv. (the rest of my family)

Oh it also has two brightness settings.

Very awesome!


heavenisabookstore said...

So are you using this for your Nook then or for books bc I am looking for a good light for books, but haven't found one I liked that will light up both pages without that annoying black out in the middle and edges of the page.

kavyen said...

I am looking one for my Kindle as well...Will check this out.

BTW, I love your blog design. Great colors and so much life.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I need to get a light for my Kindle.... I wonder if they sell these over here and if they're suitable for a Kindle too.

I once bought a little book light for my hardbacks and paperbacks, but I just didn't like it.

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