Title: The Vampire Who Loved Me
Publisher: Harlequin Nocturne
Publish Date: May 2011
Buy: Amazon
Book Blurb:
Built like a god with golden hair and an irresistible allure, Achilles made her feel passion the way no mortal man had before. Beck could no more deny her craving for him than she could the hated bloodlust in her veins. But when her vaccine fell into the wrong hands, Beck had a difficult choice to make—one that challenged everything she'd always believed….
Review: Harlequin Nocturne delivers again, with a fantastic book by Theresa Meyers. The vampire legend isn't what it used to be, but the vamps in Teresa's book are really awesome.
Achilles is the kind of vampire we all dream about. He's strong and he's a real kiss ass character. The real strength in this bookis Rebecca (Beck). She's strongwilled, intelligent and just all around fabulous.
I love how she sticks to her guns throughout most of the book, until she really grasps how strong her love for Achilles is and what her work would do to him as well as her friends. The vaccine Beck is working on would reverse the effects of the vampire virus. However when it is finally finished it would only save those recently turned. Any older vamps would perish in minutes!
Another thing I really loved about this book was how she weaved the gods from Greek Mythology into the story.
I really loved the idea of imprinting and mentoring that Theresa used between Beck and Achilles. This is one story where you will really want to read the epilogue, because it is good for some giggles.
What really surprised me about this book was how little heat there was. There was a lot of sexual tension but the real down and dirty stuff was a bit subdued.
Theresa manages to create a story that mixes science and myth and of course the paranormal, and she does it superbly. The Vampire Who Loved Me is part of the Sons Of Midnight Mini-Series. You don't have to read the first book to enjoy this one though. It definitely works as a stand alone novel.
Rating: 4 flowers
~ Theresa Myers will be guest posting here on June 21st, so stop back then to say hello!
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