Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bewitching Book Tours Book Review: The Mask w/Giveaway

Author: Anya Winter
Title The Mask
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Publish Date: Dec 4, 2011
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: The author and Bewitching Book Tours
Book Blurb: Eve Manor is a pastry chef with a passion for chocolate and romance. During the annual masked Black & Lace ball, Eve has a plan. She created a signature chocolate dish that was sure to knock the socks off every famous chef and food critic attending the ball. Everything hinges on the night’s success.

Christian Grier is a man with a secret. In the foodie world, he's known as the Editor-in-Chief of the famous magazine, Sizzle. When his old college roommate, Josh, asks him to attend the ball his company is catering, Christian intended to turn him down. But when Josh reveals Eve's secret plan, he knew he needed to do everything he could to help. Will hiding behind his mask help in his quest to seduce Eve or will she decide he’s not what she wants after all?
Review: This is the second story in the Masquerade Series. It clocks in at just under 40 pages, so I was a bit skeptical about how well the story would be tied together while still being erotic.

For the most part Anya got everything tied together well. We saw Eve and her passion, both for her career as a pastry chef and for Kris, the owner of Ganache a sexy club that she does catering for. The descriptions of the pastries were enough to make me drool.

I have to say though that all the while reading about Eve I was saying to myself never trust a skinny pastry chef!

What I liked about this story was that it was a story. There was more to it than the fact that Eve and Kris wanted to do the nasty. The sex scenes were hot but they weren't overly hot, which I found suited the story. I've never been too keen on erotic stories that are just simply sex. That's why this story worked for me. Plus I can't resist a story with a good cheesecake!

Rating: 4 flowers

Giveaway: Anya is giving away one ebook copy of The Master book one in the Masquerade series to one lucky commenter who leaves their email in the comments. Winner will be announced on Feb 5.


1. Anya Winter said...

Thank you for reviewing my book and for having me guest post :)
It made me smile to know you drooled over the cheesecake. This was a fun story for me to write ;)

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