Thursday, February 9, 2012

Guest Post: Allie Pleiter

So, you start with a fireman...

Or, in this case, a fireman who’s sort of hiding out as a fire marshall--it seems Chad Owens has issues. Right across the street from his pristine, safe office, you plunk down a wildly optimistic chocolatier who wants to build a new store but is far too impatient to put up with all those pesky rules and regulations.

Jeannie Nelworth has got issues, too. Having just survived a fire, she doesn’t have the best relationship with flame, with firehouses, and with a certain obsessive fire marshall. Her son Nicky isn’t handling life very well. As a solution, Chad’s boss decides that Nicky needs to walk the firehouse’s dog, Plug. Sure, Plug is fat and needs a workout, but the real need here is Nicky needing a man to talk out how the fire has rattled his teenage life.

Jeannie is convinced that enough faith and unsinkable spirit can get them through anything. Chad is sure things cut far deeper than that. She needs his realism, he needs her optimism, and Nicky needs both of them if he’s going to truly heal.

It’s a truth that God often hands us what we most need in the package we least want. As a reader, I love it when I figure out the hero and heroine are perfect for each other long before they figure it out for themselves. When I start to cheer for their happy ending, I know I’ve been drawn into the story.

I hope this is what happens to you when you read FALLING FOR THE FIREMAN. The cute dog, the clever kid, the hunky fire marshal...oh, and the chocolate--they’re all ingredients for a story I think you’ll enjoy. Happy Reading!

Falling for the Fireman
Harlequin Love Inspired February 2012
ISBN #978-0-373-87725-6

Back Cover Copy:
There's something achingly familiar about the look in fire marshal Chad Owens's eyes. Widowed mom Jeannie Nelworth knows firsthand what it is: loss, hurt and yes—bitterness. Ever since the fire that changed their lives, Jeannie's young son has borne that same look, pushing everyone away. So she's grateful when Chad tries to get through to the boy with the help of his trusty fire station dog.

But the man who's all about safety and prevention keeps himself protected—from loving and losing again. Seems as if Jeannie will have to add his kind, guarded heart to her rebuilding efforts.

Author Bio:
An avid knitter, coffee junkie, and devoted chocoholic, Allie Pleiter writes both fiction and non-fiction. The enthusiastic but slightly untidy mother of two, Allie spends her days writing books, buying yarn, and finding new ways to avoid housework. Allie hails from Connecticut, moved to the midwest to attend Northwestern University, and currently lives outside Chicago, Illinois. The “dare from a friend” to begin writing has produced two parenting books, fourteen novels, and various national speaking engagements on faith, women’s issues, and writing. Visit her website at  or her knitting blog at

Giveaway: One lucky commenter will receive a copy of Falling For The Fireman. Just leave your email in the comment so I can notify you if you win. The winner will be announced on Valentine's Day.


1. Allie Pleiter said...

Thanks for having me....nice to be here!

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