Love, Creativity & Magick:
A Valentine’s Day Steampunk Tale
and Sacred Sex
Love, Creativity & Magick: A Steampunk Valentine’s Day Tale –
A Novelette by Kiki Howell
All acts of magick take on shades of gray in the end. Especially for Emma, one of four females witches who by birthright belong in the social circles of the privileged upper ten thousand in London. Yet, by rumor of the unknown and the misunderstood, she stands apart, cut by her peers along with her cousins, because they hold a secret—each is gifted with magick.
Their elders had taught them respect for their powers even when mixed with a spanking amount of fanciful mischief. On the other hand, if a lesson was warranted, then white verses black magick could be hard to define. No where was the color of steam more evident than in the matters of justice, a slippery term to define. Yet, they’d made breaking the laws of society their mission. Most of their nights at parties and balls were spent creating a magickal comedy of errors, helping the uptight aristocracy side step their fastidious standards.
Only this year, days before Valentine’s Day, a damnable day for women without suitors, Emma is not quite sure what is happening to her. Something dark and seductive, something not of this world, is luring her, possessing her, and she has no comprehension of what or who the presence really is. But, when he does show his face finally, and she feels him to be a night walker, she must fear not only the threat he poses to her blood and to the energy or magick he can suck from her, but also the danger he poses to her heart. After all of these days feeling him, wanting him, she has to wonder if her feelings are just a matter of his compulsion, if she is under this vampires own type of magick.
To complicate matters further, the vampire’s propositions are as exciting as they are scandalous, to teach her how to power her magick with the overabundance of sexual energy she bears. But, how he knows such thinks he remains elusive about. And there is the added attraction that this vampire was a failed inventor in life, one with a basement full of contraptions she finds she can power through the use of her sexual energy. Valentine’s Day seems like it could be all kinds of fun this year now.
Yet, in these days of social unrest and out-of-control creativity, what is a witch to do with a vampire? When Valentine’s Day rolls around, and a secret is revealed, what will be left for her?
Genres: Valentine's Day 2012 Theme, Paranormal (witches and vampires), Steampunk (Victorian England), Erotic Romance from Naughty Nights Press

A Valentine’s Day Short Story
by Kiki Howell
Just a few days before Valentine’s Day, Margaret visits her aunt’s craft consignment shop hoping for a spell or oil, and any advice on how to re-connect with her husband, Michael, who has become distant since losing his job. Determined to save her marriage, she gets more than she bargained for from Aunt Minny, a practicing witch. Armed with recipes to enhance love, a massage oil type love potion, a new Valentine’s Day candle and a book on Sacred Sex Rituals, Margaret prepares to seduce her husband.
But, his initial reaction is not what she planned for…
Follow Margaret and Michael on a holiday of love journey, a throwback to the kinky pagan sex rituals once practiced long ago on this day before it was named after a saint. You may want to take notes to enhance your own Valentine's Day this year!
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Wiccan/Pagan, Holiday - Valentine’s Day from Rebel Ink Press
Author Bio:
Ever since she was young, Kiki Howell has loved to listen to a well-woven tale with real characters, inspired plots, and delightful resolutions. Kiki spend hours lost in books and soon knew creating lives, loves, and losses with just words had to be the greatest thing she could do. She’s now had over twenty stories published and couldn’t be more thrilled or grateful to see her creations polished and out in the real world.
Giveaway Fill out the form below to have a chance to be one of 5 winners on this tour! Winners will be announced on Valentine's Day!
Prize #1 – Fashion Heart Necklace and Earrings
Prize #2 – Steampunk Necklace
Prize #3 – eBook Erotic Romance Short Story Bundle: Includes Love & Marriage Cures, The Healing Spell, Rituals and Working Out the Kinks
For more information on these stories go to http://www.kikihowell.com/2010/06/stories.html
Prize #4 – Print Book Sweet Romance Bundle: The Sorcerer’s Songs Novella with Weathervanes CD
For more information on this story and the CD that inspired it go to http://www.kikihowell.com/2010/06/sorcerers-songs-trade-paperback-novella.html
Prize #5 – Print Copy of Torn Asunder Erotic Romance Novel
For more information on this story go to http://www.kikihowell.com/2010/09/torn-asunder.html
Thanks for hosting!
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