Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things

What to read next.

I often find myself wishing that was a decision that is entirely up to me.

I keep telling myself that I'll cut back on the tours that I'm taking part in, but then I get the requests and invites and the books look so good...ARGH!

I really want to try to set up one month that is just "for me" reading. You know, where I can see if I can shrink my massive tbr pile, or just enjoy a few library books of my choosing.

So many books, so little time to read them. Much like today. My father is in the hospital again, and I thought that since he was having a stress test, I'd be able to catch up on some reading while I was in the waiting room.


I ended up sitting with him through the whole  3.5 hour test.

Not fun.

I really thought I was going to get to finish a few books today, but that wasn't to be. Maybe tomorrow. At least I know what books I'll be reading; Her Man Flint and The Flight of Gemma Hardy.


1. Sarah M said...

I do the same thing with book commitments. I was so excited when I looked at my calendar for March and saw I was only committed to 2 books. Then I went through my emails and found another 3 books I committed to. Oops. No time left for me to choose any others.

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