Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bewitching Book Tours Guest Post: Denise Verrico w/Giveaway

 Today we're welcoming Denise Verrico to A Chick Who Reads! Denise is the author of Servant Of The Goddess

I’m pleased to be here today!  I brought my Scottish bad boy, Cedric MacKinnon,  with me.  I’m sure you’re much more interested in what a beautiful, auburn-haired, green-eyed, 20 yr. old, 6’ 3” vampire has to say, so I’ll let him speak. 
DV: So Cedric, tell your readers a little about yourself--and do try to behave.
CM: My dear, I'm your slave, you know that.  I only do what your wicked brain contrives. You dreamed me up. 
DV: You hatched out of my head like Athena.  I have little control over your escapades.  Go on, be a good boy and I'll write some erotic adventures for you.   
CM:  Promise?  I'd like that.  So, here goes, I was born in Scotland. My parents died when I was little.  I grew up in a children’s home and ran away to London when I was fifteen with dreams of becoming a rock star--needless to say, not a great idea. I went on the streets and made my living selling the only thing I could. 
To make a long story short, rent boys in London have a 33% HIV infection rate, and I became a statistic.  I turned to playing my guitar in the underground to supplement what I got from the government, and one night I encountered this lovely Indian man--or so I thought.  Raj made me the man I am today.  That is to say, a vampire courtesan turned assassin.  Complete sociopath, Raj.
On the bright side, I’m a musician and play the guitar as well as Indian instruments.  My prized possession is a vintage Stratocaster.  I love all kinds of rock music.  My favorite artist of all time is David Bowie.  Flashy clothes, fast cars and the latest electronic gadgets are my weakness—and beautiful lovers.  I believe in spreading the wealth, so to speak. 
 DV: Talk about your former line of work.   
 CM: Must I?  You just love dredging all that up.  I’m an adept of the ancient arts, which is an Immortyl temple artist in service to the Goddess Kali, but adepts are used as courtesans in political intrigues by the Chief Elder, Kalidasa.  Usually a total drag, except for the singing and dancing.  No one does a blues riff on a sitar like me.  Music is my true passion. 
 Too many uncongenial lovers, too many beds, too little rest.  Lord Liu was the exception.  Liu Li Cheng is a gentleman and knows how to treat a boy right.
My official duty was to serve the Goddess and bestow Shakti’s blessings through an elaborate tantric sex ritual.  During my training in the ashram, I told my guru, Sandhya, “I’ve been called many things in my time, but never a conduit of divinity”.  She wasn’t amused and hit me on the back of the head with all her rings on.  Ouch.  Vampires aren’t known for being gentle.  Well, maybe those sparkly ones.
I once had an encounter with a bloke who was with the Spanish Inquisition.  No Monty Python fun here.  Torture isn’t officially allowed on an adept, but with our new Rani, Giulietta, anything goes.  The change I’d like to see is Giulietta’s head at the business end of my knife.   
DV: And what is it you do now?
CM: Mia tells all about my exploits in servant of the Goddess.  Let’s just say that I take heads now instead of give…well you get the drift.  
  DV:  Who trained you in your new occupation?
CM: I’ve had excellent teachers in New York.  Mia is quite the swordswoman.  Philip and Shieh have taught me martial arts.   My dance training comes in handy here.  They call me a living weapon.  I rather like that.    
 DV: I'm not surprised.  Do you have a significant other in your life?
CM: With my omnivorous sexual nature it’s rather difficult to settle.  I get around-- a lot.  But there are two lovers who mean something more to me than a congenial shag.
 My darling, Mia is the earthly manifestation of Shakti in the form of Durga, and I’m her “tiger” servant.   Grrr…we do get a bit rough sometimes.  I do love a strong woman.
 However, I must say that Lord Liu remains a powerful presence in my life.  You’ve got to love a Chinese warrior from the former Han Dynasty turned scholar turned Immortyl elder.  He’s deep.  And dare I say sexy?
DV: So, where do you go from here?  Any last secrets to reveal?
CM: I won't tell all.  I did that in My Fearful Symmetry.  They will just have to read my saucy tale.  With my new line of work, it’s hard to say where I go from here.  I’m on a secret mission at the moment.  So, I can’t say exactly what I’m about—or as you Yanks say—what I’m up to.  If I survive this mad quest, I hope to continue to aid Mia and Kurt in their mission to find a cure for this condition that makes us perish in the ultraviolet and addicted to blood. 
 You have promised some steamy tales.  Of course, I will still be blogging and interviewing.  I can’t disappoint my darlings.
DV: You can chat with Cedric @cedricMackinnon on Twitter or at his Facebook page

Servant of the Goddess
Book Four of the Immortyl Revolution

From the ashes of the first battle of the Immortyl Revolution, vampires Mia Disantini and Kurt Eisen set out to build a new Immortyl society.

Trouble arrives in the person of Cedric MacKinnon, a runaway adept of the ancient arts, who brings tidings of upheaval at the chief elder’s court that threatens everything Mia and Kurt have accomplished.

Mia finds it hard to resist when Cedric pledges his service and tempts her with the legendary skills he learned as an Immortyl courtesan. Facing opposition from both within and out, Mia begins to doubt Kurt is up to the task of leading their followers to his vision of an Immortyl Utopia.

Torn between her loyalty to Kurt and Cedric’s insistence that she is the earthly manifestation of the Goddess Durga and destined to lead, Mia confronts the greatest challenge of her life.

For excerpts of the Immortyl Revolution Series, character profiles and the Immortyl Lexicon visit

For insider information on the series visit

Buy: Amazon

Author Info:  Denise Verrico is a New Jersey native who grew up in Pennsylvania. She is the author of the Immortyl Revolution urban fantasy series published by L&L Dreamspell. Denise was chosen as a presenter at Ohioana Book Fair in 2011 and 2012, and her books are part of the collection at the State Library of Ohio.

Currently, she’s a member of Broad Universe and two writing groups. She attended Point Park College in Pittsburgh, where she majored in theatre arts, and was a member of The Oberon Theatre Ensemble in NYC with whom she acted, directed and wrote plays. Denise is a roller coaster fanatic and lives in Ohio with her husband, son and flock of six spoiled parrots.

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1. Denise Verrico said...

Cedric and I are happy to be here today! Thanks for hosting!

2. Denise Verrico said...

Any commenters who leave a contact email will receive a free coupon code and link for an e-copy of my short stories, Annals of the Immortyls.

3. Beth Reed said...

Can't wait to read the new book!

4. The Mistress of the Dark said...

So glad to have you here Denise! The book looks great!

5. Denise Verrico said...

Beth, how nice of you to stop by!
Mistress, I'm thrilled to be here! Thanks for the words of encouragement!

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