Friday, June 29, 2012

TLC Book Tours Book Review: With My Body

Author:Nikki Gemmell
Title: With My Body
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Publish Date: June 19, 2012
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: TLC Book Tours and the publisher
Book Blurb: A wife, a mother of three, she has everything a woman should want—and yet she has gone numb inside. Locked in a never-ending cycle of chores, errands, and mealtimes, she cannot find a way to live her life with the honesty and passion that once drove her. Even her husband, whom she loves, has never truly touched the core of her being. Only one person has ever come close. In desperation, she returns to the memory of an old love affair—a transformative relationship with consequences she has never fully resolved. Revisiting her past, she will begin an exhilarating journey into her sexuality while finally confronting the hidden truths of her heart.

Review: This book was a bit...erm...creepy? Odd? And not at all erotic in the way that I felt it was supposed to be. The lead character who I think remains nameless throughout the book is a mother of three who is feeling unfulfilled in her sexual life.

At the beginning, I absolutely hated her. In fact, a few times I put the book down, because this woman aggravated me about how she let another woman knock her down because of play dates and my child is better than your child.


I would be a terrible mother...children do not have play dates..unless the mom/dad etc is buying the friendship. Children go and play with their friends. This woman should have told Susan to go do some rather rude things to herself, because it was obvious she wasn't a friend.

But I'm not really sure how that part of her life played in with the rest of the story, which is told in flash backs. Our main nameless? character has a horrible homelife. A father that loves her but has a hard time showing it, and a wicked-ish stepmother that can't be bothered with her. Somehow all of this turns her into a raging little slut by 14.


Her true awakening comes with Tol. Her experiences with him reminded me a lot of The Story of O, which is kind of an instruction manual for her.

I couldn't stop thinking, OMG she's not even 18 and she's doing stuff most prostitutes do!

What I don't understand is how someone that ends up so sexually aware ends up in a passionless marriage.

On top of all of this she takes off for Australia to find Tol again, but he doesn't want to see her. That whole thing along with some revelations about her father made the ending very anti-climatic for me.

The book, however, was beautifully written, though I have to admit, it was hard dealing with the main character being written in the 2nd person. It was a little hard to deal with.

Over all, this was only a so so read for me, but I can definitely appreciate the author's ability to tell a unique erotic tale.

Rating: 3 flowers

 Author info: 


1. trish said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the author's writing!

Thanks for being on the tour!

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