Friday, June 15, 2012

Goddess Fish Promotion Book Review: Dancing Naked In Dixi

Author: Lauren Clark
Title: Dancing Naked In Dixie
Publisher: Monterey Press
Publish Date: May 15, 2012
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Goddess Fish Promotions and the author
Book Blurb: Travel writer Julia Sullivan lives life in fast-forward. She jet sets to Europe and the Caribbean with barely a moment to blink or sleep. But too many mishaps and missed deadlines have Julia on the verge of being fired. With a stern warning, and unemployment looming, she's offered one last chance to rescue her career. Julia embarks on an unlikely journey to the ‘Heart of Dixie’—Eufaula, Alabama—home to magnificent mansions, sweet tea, and the annual Pilgrimage. Julia arrives, soon charmed by the lovely city and her handsome host, but her stay is marred by a shocking discovery. Can Julia's story save her career, Eufaula, and the annual Pilgrimage?

Review: When I first started reading this book, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it much. I really wasn't sure how I felt about Julia. She didn't really click with me much at the beginning. However that changed when she arrived in Georgia and she turned into a sort of Calamity Jane!

Broken car windshield, fire ants, bee stings and turned ankles!

Nothing good seems to happen to her in Eufaula, except maybe Shug, who comes with a quirky family and a very possessive girlfriend, Mary Katherine, who you will love to hate. I really love how quickly the city girl Yankee takes to the small southern town.

There's a lot of charm in Eufaula. I wish a little more time could have been spent on that, rather than the dilemma of Phase III which involved ridding the town of some historic houses. It left me wondering what she would be writing about sometimes.

What I did love was how she jumped in to try to help Shug and his family trying to preserve the buildings. I also loved how she was a walking disaster. It took awhile, but midway through the book, Julia felt real and I liked her and wanted good things for her.

The nice thing was, there was only one villain in the story and it wasn't her boyfriend. I like how Lauren handled every aspect of that relationship.

If you like books with a southern setting that have a little bit of romance and humor, this is a good choice.  I look forward to reading more of Lauren's in the future.

Rating:  4 flowers


1. Mary Preston said...

I am looking forward to Julia being 'a fish out of water'. I know it will be great.


2. Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Lauren today.

3. Catherine Lee said...

Chick...I LOVE the look of your blog. It's so cute and fun.

Great review. I live in a great Southern town so I like stories set in quaint, Southern villages. I also like "fish out of water" stories. I'm looking forward to reading it, Lauren.

catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

4. Joanne said...

This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see how Julia makes out with small town life. Love the Calamity Jane reference.


5. Karen H said...

The more I read about this book, the more I think I will enjoy it myself.

kareninnc at gmail dot com

6. Anonymous said...

Andrea ~ Thank you so much for sticking with Dancing Naked in Dixie! I'd love to hear more about why you like characters and what turns you off! I'm glad to have an honest review ... it shows you really put some thought into your post, and as an author, I can't ask for much more than that! Constructive critiques are great ... and the only way authors can grow and do better next time!!!

I appreciate the review and you featuring Dancing Naked in Dixie!! xx, Lauren

7. Anonymous said...

Marybelle - Thank you! Yes, I wanted readers to really feel Julia's awkwardness about being in a small, Southern community for the first time. She is forced to slow down, which helps her experience the goodness of life for the first time in a lonnnng time!!

xx, Lauren

8. Anonymous said...

Catherine ~ I love the look of Andrea's blog, too! I'm an artsy person and the intricate details of the masthead just draw me in like a painting or sketch ... there are so many details!

I'm so glad that you think you'll like Dixie :)

xx, Lauren

9. Anonymous said...

Joanne ~ Calamity Jane is an excellent reference! It made me giggle and it is sooo true!

xx, Lauren

10. Anonymous said...

Karen - Thank you so much for stopping by Andrea's blog! I think it is well-designed and I am thrilled to be here today!

I also took your advice and went to The Season blog and read Beverley's post. Very interesting. I appreciate the recommendation and passed it along to some of my author-friends as well!

Please feel free to share any other helpful blogs or posts that you come across! I can always use good advice :) xx, Lauren

11. Anonymous said...

I always loved Calamity Jane myself. The book really looks good!


12. Anonymous said...

I think I might need to use Calamity or Calamity Jane in a book title or work it into a story! :)

13. Anonymous said...

I am glad that you enjoyed this. I enjoyed it and rated it as a 4 star read although was unsure if I was a little partial because I am only about 20 minutes away from Eufaula and the setting was dead on. Lovely review.

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