Friday, January 31, 2014

Book Review: Sleigh Bells In The Snow

Author: Sarah Morgan
Title: Sleigh Bells In The Snow
Publisher: HQN
Publish Date: Oct 29, 2013
Review Copy Provided By: Net Galley
Buy: Amazon
Book Blurb: 
Once upon a time, Christmas was Kayla Green's favorite time of year. Now all the workaholic wants for Christmas is for it to be over—as fast as possible! So when duty calls her to snowy Vermont to close a deal with a new client, Kayla is grateful for an excuse to avoid the holidays for another year.

Jackson O'Neil left a thriving business behind to return home and salvage his family's resort—it's in his blood, and he can't let it fail. Now that he's got marketing whiz Kayla Green working with him to put Snow Crystal on the map, success is on the horizon. The fact they strike enough sparks off each other to power all the Christmas lights in Vermont is just an added bonus.

Kayla might be an expert at her job, but she's out of her depth with Jackson—he makes her crave the happy-ever-after she once dreamed of, and it's terrifying. As the snowflakes continue to swirl, will the woman who doesn't believe in the magic of Christmas finally fall under its spell?

Review: There are some books that you simply fall in love with. Sleigh Bells In The Snow is one of those books. I had not doubt about that. Sarah Morgan is one of my favorite Harlequin authors.

I wish I had read this book at Christmas, but things kept coming up and I never got around to it. However, just because it is a holiday book, doesn't make it less enjoyable any other time of the year.

What makes this book so wonderful is Snow Crystal. Sarah Morgan really brings the Vermont resort to life. Her descriptions make you want to be there, to appreciate all the snowy beauty. (Even if you don't usually like snowy beauty). I could easily envision the resort and the surrounding area. And I have to admit I had a picture in my head of the frozen waterfall.

Then there's Kayla and Jackson, the chemistry between them is great. Jackson is a strong hero, without being an alpha male. (YAY!) And the rest of the O'Neil family and the staff of Snow Crystal can't help but fall in love with them, especially Elise (The French Bitch) and Brenna, not to mention Jackson's other brothers, Sean and Tyler. I can't wait for their stories. (Oh and really...if it were possible...I'd love to have Grand dad Walter's romance with Alice..)

Kayla's transformation is what really makes this book so wonderful. She's a workaholic, city girl, with a non-existent family and the O'Neil's sort of turn her human. They bring her to life, by teaching her to live and love. Her family life was truly horrible, she deserved to find someone like Jackson and his family to love and care for her.

The heat is a little lower in this book than in some of Sarah's novels for the Presents line, but it works better this way. This isn't a sexy story. It is a romantic story. Yes, there's some great sex between Jackson and Kayla, but it is long in coming, and in a story such as this, it is appropriate. There aren't sex scenes for the sake of writing a sex scene.

I absolutely adored this book. Highly recommended

Rating: 5 flowers


1. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

I completely adored this book from the setting to the swoon-worthy brothers and their family, I cannot wait for the next book. Wonderful review!

2. The_Book_Queen said...

Great review! This book was wonderful; I did read it around the holiday season, but I'd reread it in a heartbeat right now! I cannot wait to read the rest of this series. I confess, this was my first time trying Sarah Morgan, but it will not be my last!


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