Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours Author Interview: Sam Thomas

Today I'm excited to have the author of The Harlot's Tale, Sam Thomas by to answer a few questions!

When you wrote A Midwife's Tale, did you plan for it to be a series?

Absolutely! It’s a fascinating time period, and there are so many situations for Bridget to find herself caught up in. The civil war in The Midwife’s Tale, the rise of Puritanism in The Harlot’s Tale, and then witchcraft, the execution of the King…I could go on for years!

I also learned quickly that when a prospective agent and editor as, “Is this a series?” there is a correct answer!

Did your education make it easier or more challenging for you when doing the research for this series?

I think it made it a lot easier in a number of ways. For a start, I had been studying 17th century England for fifteen or so years before I even considered writing fiction, so I had a handle on the lay of the land.

More importantly, though, if there is a question I need to clarify, I know where to go for the answers.

What do you find the most fascinating about Restoration England?

Without a doubt it’s the religious tumult of the time. This is when the Church of England fractured, into a variety of denominations, including Baptists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Quakers – you name it! So many assumptions were overthrown by the revolution, and even the return of the monarchy could not put Humpty Dumpty back together.

What is the hardest part about writing historical fiction?

Trying to make sure that your characters are both historically accurate and people that readers can relate to. There is nothing that bothers me quite as much as books set in the past with characters who seem to have parachuted in from the 21st century.

This means that you have to find a way to make someone like Bridget – who believes that witches  should be hanged, mothers of illegitimate children whipped, and the Pope is the Anti-Christ – sympathetic to readers who don’t share those beliefs.

What is next for you?

Right now I’m fine-tuning book three in the series. It is tentatively called The Witch-Hunter’s Tale. I’ve also drafted a fourth book (The Assassin’s Tale, maybe?), and have begun work on a stand-alone novel set in Colonial New England. I keep busy when I can!


1. Amy C said...

I don't know what Theory of Opposites is but I would love to read A Hatlots Tale because it really sound intriguing! The reviews are showing that it's really good !

2. KAS said...

I am so interested in these historical topics, and this sounds fascinating and smart! Thanks for this great contest opportunity! Sincerely,

3. Nancy said...

Story sounds good, even better as part of a series. Thanks for the giveaway.

4. traveler said...

This book sounds fascinating. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

5. Denise said...

I would like to read it, since it is from a later time period than the ones, that I usually read.I love historical mystery series. Thank you for the giveaway.

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