Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Recapping 2013

I had a good reading year.

I read 200 + books all of which I reviewed. You can see them all here

As for my reading challenges

My goal at Goodreads was 170 and I hit 200, so yay me!
The Readalatte Challenge disappeared in the first month but that was basically the same as the goodreads challenge.

I failed at the Regency Romance Challenge and The Literary Exploration Challenge and The Library Books Reading Challenge.

I completed all of the other challenges I took part in! Woo to the hoo!

This year, I'm not going to do as many. I want to take time and enjoy my books and not feel as if I have to read something. I want the tours I take part in and the galleys I request to be books I want to read.


1. Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I am devoted to enjoying more books this year, including some chunksters that are just sitting on my desk waiting....patiently.

I read and reviewed 211 books in 2013, (goal was 200), but this year, I lowered the goal to 150. If I read more, so much the better.


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