1. Post about this challenge on your blog stating that you are participating. That post is the link that you will include in the Mr. Linky below. The link should be the post link not just your blog link.
2. Grab the button and display it in the post (use grab code underneath the button) or on your sidebar so others can join in the fun.
3. Challenge goes from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011
4. The challenge is to read 20 books that have a vampire as a main character, either protag or antagonist
5. Post your reviews on the Review Post: http://www.parajunkee.com/2011/01/vampire-challenge-review-link-up.html
Maggie Shayne - Twilight Illusions 10/5/2011
Meredith Allard - Her Dear & Loving Husband 9/30/2011
Julieanne Lynch - In The Shadows 9/22/2011
Arial Burnz - Midnight Conquest 8/10/2011
Lisa Kessler - Nightwalker 8/8/2011
Karen E. Taylor - Hunger 7/15/2011
Jennifer Turner - Eternal Seduction 6/28/2011
Theresa Meyers - The Vampire Who Loved Me 6/13/2011
John G. Hartness - Hard Day's Knight 5/19/2011
Evelyn Lafont - The Vampire's Relationship Guide 5/7/2011
Amber Riley - The Well Of Truth 4/27/2011
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