Title: Hunger
Publisher: Kensington
Publish Date: July 1, 2011
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Review Copy Provided By: Bewitching Book Tours and the author
Book Blurb:
Review: Hunger is made up of the first two novels in the Vampire Legacy series, Blood Secrets and Bitter Blood. Deirdre Griffin is a different kind of vampire than most of us are used to. It was really refreshing to see such a strong heroine and a vampire to boot!
Blood Secrets started off slowly, but as the story progressed there was a lot of backstory given which helped the reader get to know Deirdre better. She was a character that I didn't have a lot of liking for at the beginning of the book, but slowly I came to really like her.
The mystery that Deirdre finds herself involved in is well plotted out and had some great twists and turns that were a bit unexpected.
There's also a little romance brewing for Deirdre and the detective, Mitch. He is a typical jealous Alpha male, but you had to love him.
Bitter Blood picks up two years after the end of Blood Secrets. If you thought that all the ends were tied up then, you quickly learn that you are wrong.
One of the things I like best about this book is how Max seems to appear to Deirdre at the most inopportune moments. It leaves the reader questioning whether or not he died at the end of the previous book. That's the event that really shapes this whole story.
Anyone looking for some good vampire fiction should give these books a try.
Rating: 4 flowers
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