Title: Darkhouse
Publish Date: May 13, 2011
Publisher: Metal Blonde Books
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Review Copy Provided By: Book Lovin' Bitches Ebook Tours and the author
Book Blurb:
Review: This is the perfect young adult/adult ghost story. I didn't find much of the story to be terrifying, but it did have a good bit of spooky and I really do love some spooky.
If I were to create a genre for this book it would be a YA/Spooky Chicklit. What a combination! Yet everything flowed well and the characters were exceptionally fun to read. Kind of like a grown up R. L. Stine.
I absolutely adored Perry, because she was so opposite of what YA and even chicklit heroines usually are. Perry gives new meaning to the term quirky, and I think that's why I really like her. She's not some gorgeous girl with bad luck who finds a hot guy. Nope, Perry isn't like that...though she does have bad luck and she does find a hot guy with Dex.
This is the perfect quick read for a dark and stormy summer night. It will keep your attention and keep you right on the edge of your seat until the last page is turned!
Rating: 4 flowers
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