Monday, April 9, 2012

Book Review: Bake Sale Murder

Author: Leslie Meier
Title: Bake Sale Murder
Publisher: Kensington Books
Publish Date: Dec 1, 2007
Buy: Amazon
Book Blurb: Ever since local developer Fred Stanton and his wife, Mimi, built five modular homes next door to Lucy Stone's farmhouse, life just hasn't been the same. With Mimi complaining about everything from the state of Lucy's lawn to another neighbor's lovable dog, quaint Tinker's Cove, Maine, is now entangled in cul-de-sac politics and backstabbing. And when Mimi doesn't show up for her shift at The Hat and Mitten Fund bake sale, the scent of burnt sugar leads Lucy to a shocking discovery: Mimi, face down on her kitchen floor--with a knife in her back.
While the police start their investigation, Lucy gets busy writing up the murder for the local Pennysaver--and following a few leads of her own. Lucy knows the women in her neighborhood didn't like Mimi, but they certainly didn't want her dead...right?
   Bake Sale Murder
Review: There's something special about Lucy Stone mysteries. This is the 13th in the series. This story mixes small town life with a cozy mystery. Unlike a lot of authors with long lived series, I find that Lucy Stone is still fresh, and her characters are progressing on with their lives. Things aren't at a stand still in these books. Lucy's son Toby is engaged, her daughter is away at college. The neighborhood is changing. That's what sets up the stage for the murder.

It takes awhile for the murder to take place, which some readers may have a gripe with, but Leslie let's us get to know the new people in town, as well as Mimi, her husband and two sons. That's the cozy to this mystery.

I laughed my way through the scenes where Lucy, Sue, Chris, Mimi etc where trying to decide what to make for the bake sale. This was classic small town U.S.A. Typical PTA mom poltics! It wouldn't be as funny if it weren't true.

I really liked how several other parts of the story tied things together to the murder of Mimi and the homeless man. To say any more would spoil the story.

This was a really quick read and a fun cozy with some great recipes at the end! I can't wait to try them, as well as another Lucy Stone.

Rating: 4 flowers


1. alreem @ (AlreemBookChapters) said...

Not my type of book but happy to hear you like it ,,, GREAT REVIEW :)

2. Dalene @ A Date with a Book said...

I read this book a while ago and thought it was okay. However, I also want to continue with the series. I was hoping to go back to the first, but they are older issue and not as easy to get. Great review :)

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