Friday, April 20, 2012

Book Review: In The Flesh

Author: Portia Da Costa
Title: In The Flesh
Publisher: HQN
Publish Date: March 20, 2012
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Net Galley
Book Blurb: Society already believes she's a scarlet woman. Why not become one?
Posing nude to appease her now ex-fiancé perhaps wasn't the most prudent idea Beatrice Weatherly has ever had. With the photographs scrutinized up and down the ton and her brother running them into debt, Beatrice's hopes of making a respectable marriage are dashed.

After one glance at Beatrice's infamous racy cabinet cards, wealthy, powerful Edmund Ellsworth Richie is soon obsessed with Beatrice's voluptuous figure. His indecent proposal—one month of hedonistic servitude in exchange for enough money to pay her brother's debts—is one she can hardly refuse.

Determined not to let the rogue best her, Beatrice sets out for the infamous House of Madame Chamfleur to learn how to appease Edmund's well-known appetite. Soon the couple is playing out exquisite fantasies…and feeling emotion that goes deeper than flesh. But Edmund harbors a shocking secret, and Beatrice must decide if she's prepared to give up everything for a man who can offer her nothing, but who means everything.
In the Flesh

Review: I wish I could say this was a great erotic story. The problem with it is that it is trying to be two things and it doesn't succeed in either. Portia has a great plot, but it never follows through.


The story is told through too many perspectives, Bea, Edmund Ellsworth Ritchie (and by the end of the book when you see his whole name written out, you will want to hurl your book or device at the wall), and Polly.

Along with too many insights, you have too much sex and not enough story. Bea and Richie have sex, but their relationship almost progresses in a historical romance kind of way.  Polly has sex with Bea's brother, Charlie and Ritchie's servant Jamie..who is also having sex with Charlie..oh and they all have sex together..I mean, Charlie, Polly and Jamie.

Yeah. Lots of sex here.

Oh and allow me to add...STOP CALLING IT A PUSS!!!!!


I think this could have been a great book, if it hadn't tried to be erotica. I would have liked to have known about each character, as it stands, none of the characters really make you care about them, and the sex doesn't even get you all bothered when you are reading it. The abrupt ending of certain scenes doesn't help the story much.

It took me much more time to finish this book then I wanted to. It is a shame the book was such a disappointment.

Rating: 2 flowers


1. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

Bummer the premises sounds good..although I am not a fan of true erotica and prefer mainstream romances with implied sexual content.

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