Friday, April 6, 2012

When Cookies and Books Collide!

I've been reading a lot of Joanne Fluke's Hannah Swensen series, and I love it!

From the first book that I read, I've wanted to try out one of the recipes from "The Cookie Jar." Well, tonight I did, and I have to say, these cookies are absolutely amazing!

These are the Chocolate Chip Crunches from the first book, which you can see in the picture!

They were super easy to make too!

I have a feeling I'm going to have to buy the cookbook that goes along with the series, because I don't own any of the books, I've either taken them out of my local library or got them from the lending library at the YMCA.

I need to make more of Joanne's cookies!

So have any of the cozy mystery lovers out there tried any of the cookie recipes yet? How did yours turn out?


1. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

I love mystery series like this that offer up recipes and an overall theme. Thanks for sharing this cozy mystery series!

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