Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things

Do your reading tastes and preferences change over time? I've found in the last year, I'm reading more genres now than I ever have before. I'm really loving cozy mysteries too. I think I've read more cozies this year than romances! And anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a big lover of romance. I was a Harlequin girl. I still am, especially at Christmas! Give me a cheesy romance about the holidays and I'm a happy girl.

I'm also getting back into Historical Fiction. That was a genre I used to read all the time. When I was in high school and college, I read as many novels by Jean Plaidy as I could find. Now I'm working on Phillipa Gregory, though I have to admit, I'm not as passionate about her writing style. (Or her accuracy)

I just wish there was more time in the day. I have books piling up all over, from the library, from net galley and from my own purchases. I just need to get time to read.

So have your reading preferences changed over time, or do you still read the same kinds of books?


1. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

My genre selection use to be very limited. It included all historical romance, mainstream authors like King, Kootz etc, and then one day I received a paranormal and from there I read just about anything..LOL Outside of Potter and Twilight, I hadn't read any YA..for the last four months I have been gobbling it up. I don't think I will every be a fan of contemporary YA or adult for that matter.(excpet for Christmas love stories..hahahaha).but I am always open to the possibilities of new genres and authors.

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