Monday, April 23, 2012

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: Books and Being Broke

I have to admit, I'm jealous of all the people that can buy loads of books. Finances are tough here, and if it weren't for the local library, well, I'd be forced to tackle my TBR pile at home!


But it is no joke. Right now the only new books that are coming into my life have to be free. I've had some medical expenses that I didn't need or want as well as having to lose time at work because my father has doctor's appointments every two weeks, and his COPD keeps him from driving.

Ho Hum!

So all that means is my book budget is a big ole ZERO! (Unless I could get to Goodwill, but I haven't even been there in months)

Thank goodness the John K Tener Library has a good cozy mystery section, as well as a good romance section or I would be up the creek without a paddle and my boat would be leaking!

The good thing about the library is that I've discovered some older books that I might have passed up if I hadn't found my library card.

The other thing keeping me going is Net Galley. The only problem there, is that I tend to go a little request happy and I can't get to all the books I want to read.

Too many books, too little time.


1. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

Try Edelweiss too!

2. Sarah M said...

You're not alone. My book budget is $0, unless I want to save up my "mad" money and buy one, which means forgoing my bi-weekly Starbucks treat. But I never seem to run out of books to read. Being a book blogger is awesome that way.

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