Monday, April 16, 2012

Book Review: Homefront Hero

Author: Allie Pleiter
Title: Homefront Heroes
Publisher: Love Inspired Historical
Publish Date: May 1, 2012
Review Copy Provided By: The author
Book Blurb: Dashing and valiantly wounded, Captain John Gallows could have stepped straight out of an army recruitment poster. Leanne Sample can't help being impressed—although the lovely Red Cross nurse tries to hide it. She knows better than to get attached to the daring captain who is only home to heal and help rally support for the war's final push. As soon as he's well enough, he'll rush back to Europe, back to war—and far away from South Carolina and Leanne. But when an epidemic strikes close to home, John comes to realize what it truly means to be a hero—Leanne's hero.
Homefront Hero

Review: Allie's Homefront Hero is set in one of my favorite periods of modern history, World War One. So much time is spent on Nazi Germany that The Great War is often ignored these days. So when I had the opportunity to read this book, I jumped at it.

The first thing I noticed about this book was how wonderfully real the characters were. Leanne was so real and so was John. I loved the scenes at the beginning of the book where she's trying to teach him to knit for the war effort.

John is an injured soldier that Leanne and her friend Ida meet when he's giving a speech to recruit new soldiers. His injury has made him a hero and he has a way with words that make men and women want to do his bidding. I really expected his character to be more arrogant than he was. Harlequin's are full of alpha males. But he didn't really strike me as that. What he did strike me as was very human. You could feel his frustration with his injury and you could definitely feel his desire to get back to the front lines.

John Gallows was probably the most real hero I've read in a romance novel. To make John even more wonderful, he ends up staying in SC to help the sick (Leanne included) when an influenza epidemic occurs, rather than travel to Chicago and then to flight training.

This is a sweet wartime love story. It is also Christian fiction, so there is a good measure of faith involved and the story is clean, so it can be read by any age group.

Lovely book! Oh and can I just say, I adore the cover for this book. The Love Inspired Historicals always have the prettiest covers!

Rating: 5 flowers


1. alreem @ (AlreemBookChapters) said...

I love classic books, great review :)

2. Allie Pleiter said...

I totally agree on the cover, Andrea! It is a stunning cover. Glad you liked John as much as I do :)!

3. Cindy said...

I think I would enjoy these kinds of books very much. Glad you liked it and I look forward to checking them out :) Great review!

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