Saturday, February 16, 2013

Awesome Giveaway From Entangled Publishing

I love Entangled Publishing, some of the best books I've read recently come from them! So when I saw this Giveaway I had to share it with you guys, cos it's awesome!

Look at all that Godiva and a Nook Simple Touch!

That's a fab prize!

Escape into a world of romance with your new Nook eReader loaded with Indulgence books! While reading, you can power up with Godiva Coffee and assorted Godiva chocolates. Need a break? Bubble up with bath & spa items from Bath & Body Works or power nap between books with a microfiber eye mask.
One lucky Grand Prize winner will receive an Indulgent Escape Gift Basket! 
Nook Simple Touch eReader
Choice of ten (10) Indulgence titles
Godiva Coffee
Godiva Milk Chocolate Caramels
Godiva Milk Chocolate Cashews
Two (2) Godiva chocolate bars
Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate
Creme de Pirouline Chocolate Hazelnut Wafers
Bath & Body Works Paris Amour shower gel, body lotion, and fine fragrance mist
Scented candle
Microfiber eye mask
Mesh shower sponge
3 runner-ups will receive:
Choice of five (5) Indulgence titles
One grand prize winner will receive the gift basket and choice of ten (10) Indulgence titles (US only) or if an International winner is selected they will receive choice of online book retailer gift card valued at $130 and choice of ten (10) Indulgence titles.

Want to enter? Click here


1. Angela's Anxious Life said...

Oh wow! This is quite a giveaway.. I entered!

Thanks for posting!


Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs using images from the Tea Time kit and the Saturday Night kit by MK-Designs