Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Book Review: Beauty To Die For

Author: Kim Alexis & Mindy Starns Clark
Title: Beauty To Die For
Publisher: B & H Books
Publish Date: August 1, 2012
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Net Galley
Book Blurb:  Juliette Taylor walked away from her career as a supermodel twenty-five years ago. Now approaching fifty – an emotionally complex milestone -- she co-owns a beauty supply company that makes skincare products for salons and spas. Her niche is pampering Christian women who usually spend more time caring for others than for themselves under the slogan: Isn’t it time someone took care of YOU for a change?

When Juliette arrives at the Palm Grotto Spa to host a spiritual retreat, she runs into an old modeling colleague, Raven, who had always been disliked in the industry for many reasons. She isn't there for the retreat; in fact, her presence at the spa is somewhat mysterious.Not long after Raven makes a cryptic threat to Juliette, the unsympathetic back-then beauty is found dead, poisoned by something in the green clay of a chai soy wrap.

The following morning, a banner for the retreat has been unceremoniously altered:It’s your turn to be nurtured, to be restored . . . to be murdered.Suspicion is directed at Juliette who has history with Raven and certainly knows how to use beauty products. But for murder?! Now she must find the real killer before the police really take care of her.

Review: I love a good cozy mystery and this one was very unique in a few ways.

1. The heroine is a supermodel turned beauty supply company owner who gives motivational speeches.

2. Its Christian fiction.

3. The characters are now in their 50s. OMG a book not about 20 somethings!

I have to say these things intrigued me, because it is hard to imagine someone working in the fashion industry being religious.

The story really worked though. Juliette came across as very believable and the mystery was top notch. It isn't very often when I read a cozy mystery that I don't figure out who is responsible for the killing pretty early on, but in this book it came as a complete surprise.

There are two mysteries going on here too, first and foremost is the death of Raven, another former supermodel, who just about everyone wanted to kill at one point or another, and then there's the matter of Juliette's JT Lady products being counterfeited. Oh and one of those products was used to kill Raven!

Toss in Marcus, a man working for the FBI, who also happens to be Juliette's TOTGA (the one that got away) and you have a great cozy mystery with just a hint of romance.

I was really impressed at how well everything in this story came together. There were so many great characters and a lot of great back story. This story was really well thought out and highly entertaining. It was hard to put down, once I started reading it.

Another thing I liked was how Juliette didn't really stick her nose into the case the way some heroines do in cozy mysteries. She was part of it, but she didn't dive in and do stupid things in order to catch the killer.

I'll be looking forward to seeing where this series goes from here.

Rating: 5 flowers


1. Lover Of Romance said...

Sounds like a very unique read...I really like that its different than other stories...and I have such a weakness for a good mystery.

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