Friday, September 3, 2010

18 & Over Blog Tag-A-Long


Hi! I'm Andrea, aka A Chick Who Reads. I love reading all kinds of romance; series, historical, paranormal, contemporary, erotic, chicklit. I do read other things but romance is what I love.

I'm currently helping Cynthia Roberts with her Blog Tour Giveaway. If you want a chance to win click here

I'm also hosting the Fall Into Reading Challenge. You can find out more here


1. Diana said...

Hello from the tag along! I love the reading challenge you've created. Looks like a lot of fun...I may participate if I can get some review requests finished. Have a great weekend!

Diana ♥ Book of Secrets

2. Neena said...

Hallo!!! Love your blog title! *grins* Am a new follower found you on Laurie's 18 and over list. Look forward to browsing through. =)

Have a fabulous weekend!

3. Tricia said...

Hi stopping by from the tag along! I'm a new follower. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm off to check out your reading challenge!

4. Yvonne said...

Hi, just stopping thru from the Tag Along. I'm already a follower so have a great holiday weekend.

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