Monday, September 6, 2010

Its Monday! What Are You Reading

  From Sheila @ Book Journey.

This is the meme where we discuss what we've read in the past week and what we plan to read in the coming week.

Here are some of the things going on @ A Chick Who Reads this past week.

This week I read:
Olivia deBelle Byrd - Miss Hildreth Wore Brown  This is really a must read for anyone that likes to read humor written by a true Southern Belle!
Julia London - A Courtesan's Scandal  Another really great read. A nice semi-smutty historical. Very well written and fun.
Christina Dodd - Just The Way You Are  Just a cute funny if not very realistic contemporary romance.

I'm Still Reading

Other things happening at the blog:
Author Interview: Olivia deBelle Byrd
Guest Post: Cynthia Roberts author of Wind Warrior
Favorite Summer Reads From 2010

Memes I Played
On My Wishlist
Waiting On Wednesday

What I plan to read this week:


1. brandileigh2003 said...

You've been busy!

2. Donna said...

Oooh. You like to read the books with the pretty covers! Many of them have caught my eye; but I'm just not a romance reader. And thanks for reminding me to start on my Christmas books. Have a great week.

3. Nat said...

Busy week! I loved Wildthorn and Miss Hildreth was a very fun book.

4. Lover Of Romance said...

Looks like you have had a good week!! Hope you are enjoying your current reads!!

Feel free to check out mine at Addicted To Romance

Happy Reading!

5. Tony D said...

I read Les Miserables this past week. And I plan on reading Les Miserables this coming week. And most likely the next week. LOL.

6. Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Some Girls looks really good - I hope you enjoy it!

(Sorry I am so late - I was gone out of town until Monday late afternoon)

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