Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday is brought to you by Breaking The Spine. This meme spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating.

Author: Brenna Yovanoff
Title: The Replacement
Blurb: Mackie Doyle seems like everyone else in the perfect little town of Gentry, but he is living with a fatal secret - he is a Replacement, left in the crib of a human baby sixteen years ago. Now the creatures under the hill want him back, and Mackie must decide where he really belongs and what he really wants.

A month ago, Mackie might have told them to buzz off. But now, with a budding relationship with tough, wounded, beautiful Tate, Mackie has too much to lose. Will love finally make him worthy of the human world? 

Why I want it: I've been hearing such good things about this, and I've been hiding from the reviews that are already out there. This one looks so good, and I don't want anything to spoil it for me. I'm still hiding from Mockingjay reviews!


1. Midnight Sapphire Books said...

hahhaha I have this one on my wishlist!

here is my wow:

2. Lisa said...

oh mann this has been in my wishlist for a while

here's mine

3. Unknown said...

oh, i can't wait for this one either! looks so good!

4. Belinda said...

I can't wait to read this book !!!

Here's my WOW

5. Jeremy said...

Good Choice!

6. Sugar and Snark said...

This book is also on my Wish list!

7. kirsty at the overflowing library said...

i'm looking forward to this one!

8. Aleksandra said...

I'm waiting for this one, too :)

9. BURIED IN BOOKS said...

If this one isn't good, then my cover love will have been broken. I used to pick books up by their cover. This one would have pulled me like a magnet right to it. It has got to live up to it's cover. Surely they wouldn't put such a beautiful cover on a bad novel. That picture says so many things, they don't even need a summary.

Can't wait. I'm with you avoiding the reviews. Heather

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