Tuesday, September 7, 2010

ARC Tour & Book Review: Some Girls: My Life In A Harem

Some Girls: My Life in a HaremAuthor: Jillian Lauren
Title: Some Girls: My Life In A Harem
Publisher: Plume
Publish Date: April 27, 2010
Rating: 3 Stars
Book Blurb: At the age of 19, Lauren was trying to get a fledgling acting career off the ground while working as a stripper and call girl. When the opportunity arises for several girls to travel to the island of Borneo to be a part of the harem of the Sultan of Brunei’s youngest brother, Prince Jefri, for a few weeks, Lauren jumps at the opportunity. Telling her family she’s headed overseas for an acting job, she travels to Brunei for what she thinks will be a diverting and exciting two weeks. Once she arrives at the expansive estate, Lauren finds her only duty is to attend lavish parties each night and hope that she will be the one chosen to steal away from the party with the prince. Two weeks turns into a year, and Lauren finds herself increasingly involved in the vicious competition for the prince’s attention. While the surprising and exotic subject matter is sure to pique interest, Lauren’s graceful, introspective prose lifts her unusual memoir far above the level of mere titillation.

Review: I wanted to like this book, really I did, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't. It wasn't that the book was poorly written, it was that I truly found myself hating Jillian with a passion. Even when I should have been feeling sorry for her, I just couldn't. She just made so many bad choices and ended up with as close to a happy ever after as a former sex worker could. She's now been married 5 years to rocker Scott Shriner from the band Weezer, and they have an adopted son.

Sure her road to happiness is paved with every kind of nastyness out there, an abusive adoptive father, sexual abuse, though as you read the book, its hard to believe some of it is actually abuse, and that will leave your jaw dropping to the floor, oh and don't forget drugs and eating disorders.

If there's something f-cked up that could happen to you in life, its happened to Jillian and she makes light of it, which is probably a good thing. If I were her, I couldn't have told this story with any humor.

The title of the book is a bit deceptive. Yes, she ends up in the Harem of Prince Jefrie of Brunie, but Jillian doesn't really focus on her life in the harem. What this book does tell us about is how she managed to go from a middle class upbringing to becoming a stipper, escort and then harem girl. Oh and she went into much detail about a tattoo she has in a rather...erm...painful spot that no one but a doctor and a lover shouold ever see.

Again, I found myself saying,  "Lady, why should I care?"

She coasts through the year and a half that she spent in Brunie, detailing the cattyness of the women. Catty? When they could spend hundreds of thousands on clothes if they found favor with the Prince? I can't imagine it. (Note the heavy saracasm)

It took me 5 days to make my way through 336 page and sadly there's no getting the time back. Not even one of the shiny Rolex watches the Prince gave Jillian can make up for it!

Sorry Jillian, your messed up life just didn't interest me.

Book Provided By: Crazy Book Tours

Crazy Book Tours


1. Sarah Reads Too Much said...

I was reading along, and all of a sudden, it hit me - this is a true story? Oh, boy.

2. La Coccinelle said...

Eh... I don't think this one would interest me, despite the intriguing premise. Some memoirs can be great, but this doesn't sound like one of those books.

Thanks for the review!

3. The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

I just read this and I kind of agree. I liked the parts abotu the harem but I would have liked the whole story to be about that. The other parts were messed up and I'm glad she is fine now but eh it sounds like any other middle class running off to NY story.

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