Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Love My YMCA

I just got a membership at the YMCA in my area and I was super excited to see that they have a book swap area.

How awesome is that?

They have about 5 shelves of books to share between members.

This means, every time I go to exercise I drop off a book I've read that isn't on my keeper shelf, and usually I bring a new book home.

Woo hoo!

Saves me trips to Goodwill unless I have a huge load for donation.

I picked up Emily Giffin's Something Blue and one old Harlequin Next. I never understood why a line of books that really rocked didn't catch on. I've read several of them and I really thought that all of them were awesome, even if they didn't fit the formula of a traditional romance.

Do you have a favorite place that has a book swap?


1. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Now that's a good excuse to get some exercise... Books!

No book swaps around here... that I'm aware of.

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