Sunday, September 12, 2010

Life Story Meme

I found this meme at DeRaps Reads...who found it @ I Was A Teenage Book Geek...and you see where this is going, right?

Here's how it works: Answer these questions using only the titles of books you've read this year. It looks easy, but I bet it isn't.

In high school I was: The Tutor (Hope Tarr)
No joke! I tutored in college too.  Apparently people thought I was smart!!

People might be surprised I'm: An Old Fashioned Girl (Betty Neels)

I will never be: Billionaire Extraordinaire (Leanne Banks)
However if I do become probably won't know because I'll be gone faster than you can say Billionaire Extraordinaire.

My fantasy job is: Hired: Sassy Assistant (Nina Harrington)
Right now, I'm just an underpaid assistent

At the end of a long day I need:  Under The Influence (Nancy Warren)
My job drives me to drink!!!

I hate it when: Consolation Prize (Catherine George)
Those are never worth it.

Wish I had: Anyone But You - Jennifer Crusie
Got to insert some humor here, right?

My family reunions are: Bright Lights, Big Ass (Jennifer Lancaster)
Says a lot about my family doesn't it?

At a party you'd find me: Undressed (Heather MacAllister)
Just laugh, cos this is not serious.

I've never been to: Hard To Resist (Mary Tate Engels)
Sad isn't it?

A happy day includes: Body Heat (Carly Phillips)
Not that I have many happy days....

Motto I live by: Taste Of Temptation (Carrie Alexander)

On my bucket list: Manhunting  (Jennifer Crusie)
On second thought...maybe not!

In my next life I want to be:  Notorious (Vicki Lewis Thompson)
In a good way, of course!!


1. danya said...

Great answers! Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my Beautiful Malice review :)

2. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

This is a good meme! Great answers :)

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