Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I've Bit Off More Than I Can Chew..Erm Read

Right now I'm reading a total of 4 books. I must be out of my mind or my attention span is shot. I don't think I can remember when I've had that many books going at one time.

What am I reading?  These books:

The Grand FinaleThe ExperimentCrazyThe Lovers


1. Diana said...

Wow!! I can only read one at a time. My brain can't handle more than that. LOL. That Eden Bradley looks very sexy!

2. Isla Supertramp said...

wow, I wouldn't be able to handle so many books at a time.
good luck with your readings.

3. Sugar and Snark said...

I'm normally on 2 at the same time. But yea maybe you should finish some off :P

4. redhead said...

i had to laugh when I read this, because I've done the same thing, and felt the same way!!

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