Friday, September 24, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop 

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen over at Crazy For Books.

This week's get to know you question is:  When you write reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you have read the entire book?

I don't write my reviews until I've totally finished a book. I sometimes jot something down that I want to remember when I'm writing the review, but for the most part everything is written within 24 hours of my turning the last page. If I wait any longer than that, I forget things I want to mention.

Now here are some things going on @ A Chick Who Reads


Wind Warrior Blog Tour. Giveaway ends on Sept 30, so sign up now!!!

Vanetta Chapmen - A Simple Amish Life
Eden Bradley - The Lovers
Han Nolan - Crazy

What's Your Reading Comfort Zone
Getting Used To The Nook


1. Heather said...

I try to do this too!

New follower here!

Check out my Hop here:
Book Blogger Hop, Follow Friday and a Giveaway!

2. Jeremy said...

Hello, Happy Friday!

I'm stopping by to say hello on Follow Friday and the Blog Hop. TGIF!!

Have a awesome weekend!

I'm an old follower.

3. Lover Of Romance said...

Just stopping by for the hop!!! Thanks for visiting me!!! I hope you are doing well and having a great fun filled weekend!!!

Happy Reading!

4. redhead said...

hopping by - i jot down some notes while I'm reading, but like you, try to get at least a first draft done asap after finishing the book.

5. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I don't write reviews until I'm finished reading the book either. However, I'll sometimes make notes (which is now easily done with my Kindle!).

6. Badass Bookie said...

Hi there! *waves*

Just making my round via hop! Lovely blog you have here. This week I'm trying really hard to reach 375 followers so for every follower I get this week they will get one too! So hop on over!

Til next time,
Lisa (Badass Bookie)xx

7. Sugar and Snark said...

Hopping over to say have a great weekend!


8. pussreboots said...

Happy weekend. Come see how I write reviews

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