Sunday, November 7, 2010

To Meme Or Not To Meme...That Is Really The Question

There are so many book memes out there. Actually there are so many memes out there. Photo memes, music memes (I run a music meme site called Music Memoirs ), get to know you memes, you name it, there's an meme for it.

I'm just not so inclined to play the same memes every week.

Sure it generates visitors, but it makes me think of the question from this past week's Book Blogger Hop. Do any of the people that visit really become friends? Or regular visitors?

I'm not looking for traffic generators. Sure it would be nice to have loads of hits, but like having loads of followers, if they don't comment or share their opinions with me, I don't see any point.

I do love so many of the memes especially the Top Ten Tuesday and On My Wishlist but sometimes I think they detract from really discussing books.

What are your thoughts on memes? How many do you play and how often?


1. Sarah Reads Too Much said...

I'm with you... I do like some memes - sometimes they give me something to post even if I am not quite ready to post a review, and sometimes they are just fun! But I absolutely do not want to become one who only seems to post memes. So, I gave myself the following loose guidelines:
1. Only a couple a week
2. Never more than one on any particular day.
3. Never have two posts in a row that are memes - there must be something else (hopefully a review) to break them up.

BTW - I finished your Fall Into Reading Challenge 2010 this weekend!


2. Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat. My blog hasn't been around too long and I've done zero meme's. I see the appeal, but I don't want them to become cheesy. So, I have yet to make a decision: to meme or not to meme? Hmmm.

3. Lover Of Romance said...

It depends on the meme for me, there are a few that I really enjoy doing, I like doing the teaser tuesday and on my wishlist is my favorite memes to do, but i find that some of them are fun as well. but yeah sometimes it prevents fellow bloggers from beginning friends, just associates lol Good thoughts you have though!

Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs using images from the Tea Time kit and the Saturday Night kit by MK-Designs