Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge

The True Book Addict is hosting a Christmas Reading Challenge, and fool that I am, I'm jumping in. For those of you interested, the sign up is here.

Here are the details:

challenge will run from Friday, November 26, 2010 (Black Friday) through January 6, 2010 (Twelfth Night or Epiphany).

cross overs with other challenges is totally permitted AND encouraged!

These must be Christmas novels, books about Christmas lore or a book of Christmas short stories (sorry, no children's books, but YA novels are okay).

visit this POST for a list of new Christmas books for 2010. Also, Richard Paul Evans has a new book out this year, Promise Me. His Christmas books are among my favorites during the Christmas season.


--Candy Cane: read 1 book

--Mistletoe: read 2-4 books

--Christmas Tree: read 5 or 6 books (this is the fanatic level...LOL!)
I'm going for the Christmas Tree level.

Charlene Sands - Do Not Disturb Until Christmas
Susan Meier - The Magic Of A Family Christmas
Cara Colter - Their Christmas Wish Come True
Barbara McMahon - Snowbound Reunion


1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I was justtt abouttt to signnnn upppp for this one when I saw the proviso, "No Children's Books!" WHATTT?! No Children's Books! At Christmastime?!

I must express my dismay to the Powers That Be.

2. The Mistress of the Dark said...

Children's books are some of the best Christmas stories too. :(

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