Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All I Want For Christmas

Is time to read. This past week, I've had no time to do anything at all. My father is in the hospital with a partially collapsed lung. I'm trying to get the house sorted out for the holidays which will come regardless of whether he is home with us or not, and frankly I'm going a bit crazy.

I wish I could take some "me" time to chill and read a book, but my concentration is shot. I can't even read in the hospital room.

I hope he comes home soon.

Hospitals always bug me. Too many patients...too few nurses to tell you what's going on.

The only plus is there's a nice gift shop and they have used paperbacks for a quarter. I bought 2 yesterday...maybe I'll read them next year!

Fingers crossed that all goes well in the next few days and he comes home for Christmas. I'd trade all the books in the world to have him sitting in his chair this holiday


1. Lover Of Romance said...

I hope your father in law does come home for Christmas, and I agree about hospitals, they are no fun. My sister earlier this year was there for over a month, and I would be happy never seeing a hospital room again lol

I think its been a while since I have been on here, I love the new layout and header!!! I hope you are enjoying it!!!

2. Jean-Luc Picard said...

Thinking of you, Andrea. Christmas is a sad time for those in hospital.

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