Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reviews For 2011

Listed alphabetically by author:

Renee Ahdieh - Fanfare (7/25/2011)
Victoria Alexander - His Mistress By Christmas (12/10/2011)
Meredith Allard - Her Dear and Loving Husband (9/30/2011)
Jennifer Archer - The Me I Used To Be (4/26/2011)
Kate Austin - Dragonflies and Dinosaurs (7/28/2011)

Michael Baron - Anything (11/5/2011)
Adrienne Basso - A Christmas Countess (12/26/2011)
Michelle Beattie - Another Chance (12/2/2011)
Jason Beymer - Nether (7/10/2011)
Ron & Janet Benrey - Dead As A Scone (2/21/2011)
Gabrielle Bissett - Vampire Dreams (6/22/2011)
Natasha Blackthorne - Grey's Lady (9/8/2011)
Rhys Bowen - Naughty In Nice (9/1/2011)
Marilyn Brandt - Friday Mornings At Nine (4/10/2011)
Connie Brisco - Money Can't Buy Love (7/27/2011)
Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown - Santa Clawed (12/22/2011)
Wanda E. Brunstetter - Lydia's Charm (1/25/2011)
Wanda E. Brunstetter - Love Finds A Home (6/18/2011)
Wanda E. Brunstetter - The Journey (6/16/2011)
Wanda E. Brunstetter - The Healing (10/4/2011)
Wanda E. Brunstetter - A Cousin's Prayer (10/16/2011)
Lindsay Buroker - The Emperor's Edge (3/3/2011)
Arial Burnz - Midnight Conquest (8/10/2011)
Linda Byler - Big Decisions (11/7/2011)
Sandra Byrd - To Die For (8/18/2011)

Sammi Carter - Chocolate Dipped Death (12/20/2011)
Ann Charles - Nearly Departed In Deadwood (9/28/2011)
Kristin Chenoweth - A Little Bit Wicked (2/24/2011)
Maureen Child - One Night, Two Heirs (9/22/2011)
Daphne Claire - Taken By The Pirate Tycoon (10/24/2011)
Cara Colter - Their Christmas Wish Come True   (1/4/2011)
Patricia Cornwell - Predator (3/10/2011)
Liz Crowe - The Rookie (5/18/2011)

Becca Dale - Untamable (3/2/2011)
Keta Diable - Land Of Falling Stars (10/17/2011)
Christie Dickason - The King's Daughter (4/16/2011)
Keith Donohue - Centuries Of June (7/18/2011)
India Drummond - Ordinary Angels (4/20/2011)

Sandra Edwards - Incredible Dreams (5/17/2011)
Justine Elyot - Honeytrapped (5/10/2011)

Charlotte Featherstone - Seduction & Scandal (12/1/2011)
Tina Folsom - Gabriel's Mate (1/22/2011)
Tina Folsom - Venice Vampyr (2/22/2011)
Michelle Franklin - Tales From Frewyn (9/21/2011)
Tana French - In The Woods (5/29/2011)

McCarty Griffin - The Tribe (10/28/2011)
Shelly Shepard Gray - The Caregiver (8/6/2011)
Phillipa Gregory - The Lady Of The Rivers (11/21/2011)
Juliet Grey - Becoming Marie Antoinette (12/13/2011)

Mary Downing Hahn - The Ghost Of Crutchfield Hall (1/29/2011)
Karina Halle - Darkhouse (7/23/2011)
Tess Hardwick - Riversong (5/29/2011)
Daisy Harris - Lust After Death (10/2/2011)
Lauren Hawkeye - Take Me Down (9/12/2011)
Lauren Hawkeye - Tie Me Up (10/10/2011)
Lauren Hawkeye - Lean On Me (11/14/2011)
Lauren Hawkeye - Let Me In (12/12/2011)
Clark Hayes & Kathleen McFall - The Cowboy & The Vampire (10/13/2011)
John G. Hartness - Hard Day's Knight (5/19/2011)
Linda Hilton - Touchstone (5/9/2011)
Kiki Howell - Torn Asunder (5/5/2011)

David Isay - Mom: A Celebration of Mothers From Storycorps (5/5/2011)

Samantha James - The Sins Of Viscount Sutherland (5/26/2011)
Lisa Jewell - After The Party (8/20/2011)
Joan Johnston - Invincible  (1/10/2011)

Laura Kaye - North Of Need (12/8/2011)
Stacey Kennedy - Stolen Dreams (5/8/2011)
Stacey Kennedy - A Warrior's Witch (7/1/2011)
Stacey Kennedy - All She Wants For Christmas Is Her Dom (11/12/2011)
Lisa Kessler - Night Walker (8/10/2011)
Kissed From Beyond Anthology (4/8/2011)
Savannah Kline - Beloved Of The Fallen (4/25/2011)
Lindsay Klug - The Life & Times Of Delila (10/12/2011)
Laura Kreitzer - Phantom Universe (2/8/2011)
Laura Kreitzner - Soul Stalker 3/21/2011

Stephanie Laurens - Viscount Breckenridge To The Rescue (8/12/2011)
Larry Levin - Oogy: The Dog Only A Family Could Love (1/28/2011)
Evelyn Lafont - The Vampire Relationship Guide: Vol 1 Meeting and Mating (5/7/2011)
Keira Lee - Replay (6/23/2011)
Ann Lefler - The Chicktionary (12/19/2011)
Beverly Lewis - The Parting (5/28/2011)
David Liss - The Twelfth Enchantment (8/3/2011)
Terri Giuliano Long - In Leah's Wake (8/17/2011)
Dorothy Love - Beyond All Measure (10/20/2011)
E. Van Lowe - Boyfriend From Hell (9/16/2011)
Julieanne Lynch - In The Shadows (9/22/2011)

Debbie Macomber - Thursdays At Eight (11/18/2011)
Jamie Magee - Insight (4/6/2011)
Jamie Magee - Embody (6/30/2011)
H.P. Mallory - To Kill A Warlock (5/1/2011)
H.P. Mallory - A Tale Of Two Goblins (5/2/2011)
Carol Marinelli - Wedlocked: Banished Sheikh Untouched Queen (7/31/2011)
Marium Maarouf - Rosie (6/10/2011)
Cara Marsi - Cursed Mates (4/24/2011)
Carolyn McCray - 30 Pieces Of Silver (2/28/2011)
Barbara McMahon - Snowbound Reunion (1/5/2011)
Susan Meissner - Lady In Waiting  (3/30/2011)
Christine Merrill - Dangerous Lord, Innocent Governess (12/20/2011)
Carolyn Meyer - The Bad Queen (2/19/2011)
Carolyn Meyer - Patience Princess Catherine (12/31/2011)
Theresa Meyers - The Vampire Who Loved Me (6/13/2011)
Emma Miller - Anna's Gift (12/15/2011)
Ashlynn Monroe - Reality Stinks (6/5/2011)
Sarah Morgan - A Night Of Scandal (9/3/2011)
Michelle Muto - The Book Of Lost Souls (5/15/2011)

David Nicholls - One Day (11/4/2011)
Jill Noelle - Mine
Ann Nyland - Hedgeland (5/24/2011)

Lauren Oliver - Delirium (1/24/2011)
Meghan O'Rourke - A Long Goodbye (4/14/2011)

Marta Perry - Murder In Plain Sight (2/5/2011)
Jane Porter - She's Gone Country (1/16/2011)
L.M. Pruitt - Shades Of Gray (9/26/2011)


Nancy Rappaport - In Her Wake (8/1/2011)
Deanna Raybourn - A Dark Enquiry (10/27/2011)
Ruth Reid - The Promise Of An Angel (9/25/2011)
Amber Riley - The Well Of Truth (4/27/2011)
Christie Ridgway - Not Just The Nanny (4/18/2011)
Harriet Welty Rochefort - French Toast (7/5/2011)
Jeanne Rose - Heart Of Dreams (10/8/2011)
M.J. Rose - The Hypnotist (11/9/2011)

Charlene Sands - Million Dollar Marriage Merger (11/20/2011)
Christine E. Schultze - Bloodmaiden (5/21/2011)
Mary Schramski - Falling Out Of Bed (4/26/2011)
Amber Scott - Play Fling (2/14/2011)
Amber Scott - Irish Moon (3/16/2011)
Amber Scott - Fierce Dawn (5/18/2011)
Bronwyn Scott - A Thoroughly Compromised Lady  (3/28/2011)
Bill See - 33 Days (8/23/2011)
Mary Sharratt - Daughters Of The Witching Hill (4/12/2011)
Maggie Shayne - Twilight Illusions (10/5/2011)
Sara Shepard - The Lying Game (5/7/2011)
Sara Shepard - Never Have I Ever (12/9/2011)
Jools Sinclair - 44 (5/27/2011)
Karen Rose Smith - From Doctor...To Daddy (10/10/2011)
Lauraine Snelling - A Promise For Ellie (12/28/2011)
Jeff Spalsbury - Merry Christmas Stories (11/25/2011)
Danielle Steel - Sunset In St Tropez (6/2/2011)
Stacey Sullivan - Gotta Love A Cowboy (6/1/2011)
Mariah Stewart - Coming Home (6/4/2011)
Mariah Stewart - Home Again (6/6/2011)
Mariah Stewart - Almost Home (6/8/2011)
Amanda Stevens - The Restorer (6/27/2011)

Karen E. Taylor - Hunger (7/15/2011)
Rachel Thompson - A Walk In The Snark (4/5/2011)
Vicki Lewis Thompson - Wanted! (2/18/2011)
Jane Toombs - The Abandoned Bride (10/7/2011)
Jennifer Turner - Eternal Seduction (6/28/2011)


Jemima Valentino - His Elle (novella) (3/17/2011)
Debbie Viguie - The Winter Of Candy Canes (1/5/2011)
Aleksandr Voinov & Kate Cotoner - The Lion Of Kent (2/20/2011)
Various Authors - Blackout At Christmas (12/16/2011)
Various Authors - A Merry Little Christmas (12/29/2011)

Ira Wagler - Growing Up Amish (6/27/2011)
E.D. Walker - The Beauty's Beast  (3/19/2011)
Heather Wardell - Life, Love and a Polar Bear Tattoo (4/1/2011)
Heather Wardell - A Life That Fits (9/20/2011)
Lacey Weatherford - Blood Of The White Witch (8/25/2011)
J.J. Westendarp - Spiral X (2/2/2011)
Zoe Winters - Save My Soul (6/20/2011)
Sherryl Woods - Driftwood Cottage (7/12/2011)
Sherryl Woods - An O'Brien Family Christmas (12/7/2011)


Ruth Yunker - Me, Myself & Paris (7/16/2011)



1. Nancy Crampton-Brophy said...

Loved Terri's blog. It reminds us all that good writing is not by genre, but by author.

Nancy Crampton-Brophy

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