Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November Wrap Up

Here's how my month of November shaped up.

1. Margaret Daley - A Texas Thanksgiving
2. Eve Bunting - The Ghosts Of Departure Point
3. Heather Wardell - Planning To Live
4. Terry Pratchett - Hogfather
5. A Holiday Of Love (Anthology)
6. Marsha Warner - Greek: Best Frenemies
7. The Night Before Christmas (Anthology)
8. Donna Andrews - Murder With Peacocks
9. Hana Samek Norton - The Sixth Surrender
10. Lynne Hugo - The Unspoken Years
11. Kathy Reichs - Bare Bones
12. Holly Denham - Holly's Inbox: Scandal In The City
13. Sally Carleen - Shaded Leaves Of Destiny
14. Erin Hunter - The Darkest Hour

I was one less then I was in October, but most of these books were longer than my October reads. I'm somewhere around 164 books for the year, give or take a few. If I stay at my current reading rate, I'll probably have read 180 by the end of the year.

How much did you read this month?


1. Lover Of Romance said...

Looks like you had a good reading month!!! In november I read about 24 books, so it was a good one for me as well!!!

2. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I certainly didn't read as much as you. It looks like you had a great month of reading :)

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