Monday, December 13, 2010

Reading Resolutions

I keep thinking that I want to do better with my reading in 2011. Not so much in the amount of reading. I've read close to 170 books this year, but in what I read.

Here are some of the things I want to accomplish.

1. Reread and finish reading Harry Potter. (I've only read the first 4 books)
2. Finish the Twilight Saga (so I have total bitching rights about the books)
3. Read at least 10 classic novels.
4. Buy a couple of eBooks (No joke I have no more room for real books!)
5. Try some genres I don't usually read.

I'm sure I'll be adding to the list as December comes to a close. Do any of you have any reading resolutions?


1. Savannah said...

Yup. Not to buy anymore books. I have ordered lots and don't need anymore. But you got some good solutions.

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